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  1. Airwalker16

    RDWC 2 site tote with controller. Which waterfall method works better?

    Here's a much cheaper Supplier:
  2. Airwalker16

    RDWC 2 site tote with controller. Which waterfall method works better?

    No. No no. That's asking for trouble lol. I mean order this: Cut the tab in certain places where it's designed to lock so you can peel it off. Reinforce the seam, and...
  3. Airwalker16

    CMH 315W vs budget Kingbrite QB for cold climate

    Not having neighbors, period, is the greatest one up of all.
  4. Airwalker16

    CMH 315W vs budget Kingbrite QB for cold climate

    The heat maintained inside the tent will depend entirely on how fast and powerful his exhaust is. A tip is to for certain, mount your driver to your fixture to bring that heat inside the tent if youre going to be needing more warmth.
  5. Airwalker16

    RDWC 2 site tote with controller. Which waterfall method works better?

    You can order new lids and just cut away at the tear tab in certain spots to allow it to peel off instead of locking. you'll most likely cut out a good portion of the seam right in the middle so some reinforcement along the remaining seam would be a good idea.
  6. Airwalker16

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    You're wattage distribution is spot on for even spread ppfd. So good work there. Although 720watts is a bit overkill for a 4'x4.5' space, it's truly sniper area of 4x6 so it's perfect. If you can spread your boards out to where the outside edges of 2 opposing boards are actually 48" apart...
  7. Airwalker16

    RDWC 2 site tote with controller. Which waterfall method works better?

    :rolleyes: EZ stor lids are the same fit for 8 & 13gal sizes. So they'll fit. And you're ez stor is 8 gallons, not 7. Unfortunately, the buckets he's using are not EZ Stor containers. They're API Kirk 5.3gals. I walked him through his whole build.
  8. Airwalker16

    sp250 mars hydro

    Definitely use it for flower!
  9. Airwalker16

    sp250 mars hydro

    Yeh not personally, but I do own the tsl2000 Mars which are pretty similar minus a few blue diodes. But it's not bad. A little slim for how long it is honestly. It's really made for 2x4 tents in my opinion.
  10. Airwalker16

    CMH 315W vs budget Kingbrite QB for cold climate

    You need to calm down brother. Rocket Soul is probably one of thee kindest members here and you got no right to be a dick head towards him.
  11. Airwalker16

    CMH 315W vs budget Kingbrite QB for cold climate

    Well leds truly do work much better in 80-85℉. CMH seems the obvious winner for your situation. That is I'd you use a 3x3 cause that's the footprint of it exactly and it's just the right amount of light for flowering. Hopefully the one you have your eye on dims though because it will be a bit...
  12. Airwalker16

    Ali Baba LEDs

    Would highly reccomend 3000k even for full cycle. Reason being blue peak on nearly every spec trig r a PhD goes from 50% at 3000k to 100% at 3500k. In flower you just don't need that much blue unless you're using specific wavelength monochromatic diodes like 435nm for those extra expressions...
  13. Airwalker16

    Bought LED board

    What a bizarre ass led board .. it almost looks like the diodes were hand placed and baked in his kitchen oven.
  14. Airwalker16

    Water in DWC?

    There's models you can have right next to your setup or reservoir and just tee in to any point of a cold water line. Very easy
  15. Airwalker16

    Water in DWC?

    You don't need an ubdersink
  16. Airwalker16

    DIY RDWC - First Timer - Any Advice Welcome

    I wish i had some Gs saved up I'd do it
  17. Airwalker16

    what do you think about this light

    LRS isn't, no. but it's also $12.99
  18. Airwalker16

    DIY RDWC - First Timer - Any Advice Welcome

    Was thinking the same thing...eBay & Amazon
  19. Airwalker16

    DIY F Series Driver

  20. Airwalker16

    1st time DWC issues =\, root/pest

    I've seen Exponentially better results in RO. It's why I Continue using it