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  1. wietefras

    HLG 550 V2 Vs 1K HPS Single end.

    No it's not. You simply need to spread out light points as uniformly as possible over the grow. So there needs to be some space between the boards to spread it out. In fact, the QB's are not spread out nearly enough. The HLG550 is only 26"x20". Gavita Pro, Fluence Spydr, Chilled Growcraft...
  2. wietefras

    Bars vs Boards

    Well as just shown above. Even clumping together the COBs gave a perfect uniformity. At 18"height, but still. Besides a board or a COB at 18" barely have a different uniformity. A board is pretty much a bigger COB. A COB at 18" spreads the light over the full 3x3 tent. The board would only...
  3. wietefras

    What's the newest LED setup?

    That array looks very slick.
  4. wietefras

    Bars vs Boards

    Yes if you hang the light height enough you can get pretty much any level of uniformity. That was never in question. It comes at a cost though. The higher you need to hang the light the more light you will lose on the walls. The result is that the average PPFD from the strips at 6" will be...
  5. wietefras

    Bars vs Boards

    That's not really the issue though. The leds are the same clearly, but the point is that hanging height matters for the amount of light lost on the walls. Ledgardner did a PPFD map of a HLG board in a 2x2 tent and he registered only about half the photons that were supposed to have been emitted...
  6. wietefras

    Bars vs Boards

    Yes, that;s me trying to explain something to you, but you only cry. I explained how it's simple logic that spreading light points improves uniformity. If not then why bother with boards? Just clump all leds in the center of the room have point to PAR tests done. Actual test, not some paint...
  7. wietefras

    Bars vs Boards

    Irony :) You keep on ranting hypothetical situations. While I'm talking about real fixtures being sold. Or DIY with a fair comparison of components. Rather than proposing a board solution that costs up to four times as much as the same done with strips. It's really simple, two strips give...
  8. wietefras

    Bars vs Boards

    Measured in what metric? Power usage? Heat production?
  9. wietefras

    Bars vs Boards

    But that's just it. Since boards are already mounted so high there is no difference in uniformity. At 18"or 24" you really cannot tell the difference between 4 COBS or a few hundred medium sized leds mounted on the same size heatsink. In fact it's already hard to see the difference between a...
  10. wietefras

    Bars vs Boards

    You are seriously the only one who needs a par map to understand that this: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |...
  11. wietefras

    Bars vs Boards

    OK that's cute. It still looks horrible though ;)
  12. wietefras

    Bars vs Boards

    Yes. Yes I do. I wrote my own software to calculate them. Amazingly I am able to create perfectly symmetrical maps from symmetrical models. Once you understand the matter you don't need to draw all these individual par maps though. Simply dividing the PPF by the surface area minus the wall...
  13. wietefras

    Bars vs Boards

    Agreed, but we are not talking about hypothetical situations though. There are solutions using these and boards end up sold with 4 boards versus 8 strips. That's just how it works out price wise. Sure you could spend even more on boards to achieve what strips can do, but then it's not really a...
  14. wietefras

    Bars vs Boards

    @end_of_the_tunnel, What would be the market for that though? I'm all for spreading the light, but at some point it doesn't give any practical benefit anymore. If you double the number of strips from 1 per 2x2 (or 2x4) to 2 strips you see a huge improvement in uniformity. Double it again to 4...
  15. wietefras

    Bars vs Boards

    It also helps not to have a vested interested one way or the other.
  16. wietefras

    Bars vs Boards

    I saw the horrible charts you produced with it. It's not even symmetric for a simple single light in a square area. Yes I wrote my own simulation software with much better visualisation and it can account for reflectivity of the walls and even measuring angles of a proposed sensor. No you do...
  17. wietefras

    What's the newest LED setup?

    The PAR mapping that HLG show is useless though. It's not worth $1. What point is it to know how much light is not lost when you have no reflective walls? Yes that's a dumb question, but that's the only one that chart is answering. It was used by burple manufacturers with the 90 degree beam...
  18. wietefras

    Bars vs Boards

    I am. You have difficulty understanding what I write, but ok I looked at more respectable products. Indeed I did not incorporate all kinds of boards from less reputable cloners and other hobby stuff. Even so, from your drawing it's still abundantly clear that splitting that board in two strips...
  19. wietefras

    Bars vs Boards

    Dialux shows nothing about penetration. In fact the charts are so poor I wonder what use they are at all for this use case. The point is though that 8 strips would provide a better spread than 4 boards and would produce adequate uniformity at half the height the boards would need.. Indeed...
  20. wietefras

    Bars vs Boards

    But how would that be different from spending half and going for wall-to-wall strips? You get the same number of diodes and they would still be spread better with strips. Even though at this level we are arguing such small benefits they would be immeasurable.