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  1. wietefras

    The new QB 648 Diablo from Horticulture Lighting Group

    Well you are good at marketing. I'll give you that.
  2. wietefras

    The new QB 648 Diablo from Horticulture Lighting Group

    Yes that probably counts as "research" for you :roll: The point is that we have HLG in an interview stating that adding blue light is just a marketing ploy and that it does not add yield. Then you add some bogus claim about "very intense light" that somehow "needs extra stomata opening" plug...
  3. wietefras

    The new QB 648 Diablo from Horticulture Lighting Group

    @SSGrower But what do you mean it doesn't match up? It's just that sphere numbers are before any losses are applied. Bugbee tested output of HPS fixtures. The manufacturers usually state the bare bulb sphere numbers and he decided to check what actually comes down on the plants. So for...
  4. wietefras

    The new QB 648 Diablo from Horticulture Lighting Group

    Why not? CFL bulbs can grow cannabis too. They would have bigger losses than 40% actually. HPS works fine too with much higher wall plus reflector losses also. Any light can grow cannabis. As far as test results go, plenty People even argued that their burple lights worked great. It's just that...
  5. wietefras

    The new QB 648 Diablo from Horticulture Lighting Group

    Well we heard the interview with the explanation on why the extra blue is there ... you are not fooling anyone.
  6. wietefras

    The new QB 648 Diablo from Horticulture Lighting Group

    @2com For lighting houses and offices the current SPD chart perhaps makes sense. The people who design lighting plans are mostly interested in the observed "color" of the light. Efficacy is a different parameter that they can view separately. For growing however, we are interested in photons...
  7. wietefras

    The new QB 648 Diablo from Horticulture Lighting Group

    I think it was mentioned that it;'s wrong but it's identical to the one give on Instagram. "normalized" in this type of charts means that the peak value is set to 100%. That's why you always see these charts touch the top of the Y axis. This actually means that it's very difficult to compare...
  8. wietefras

    The new QB 648 Diablo from Horticulture Lighting Group

    Ah ok. Yeah that's odd. But yeah marketing is the game I guess.
  9. wietefras

    The new QB 648 Diablo from Horticulture Lighting Group

    Actually "full spectrum" is term made up when led light manufacturers were using only red and blue leds. Some manufacturers started adding other wavelengths to fill up the gap between blue and red (sometimes also adding UV and infrared) and called their lights full spectrum. Calling white led...
  10. wietefras

    The new QB 648 Diablo from Horticulture Lighting Group

    Could be, however Fluence specifically mention different SPD 's and the one posted matches exactly with their greenhouse report and not the PhysioSpec one. Either way, it's not so much relevant if is also among the photon number inflaters. The beauty of that interview is that it's clear why...
  11. wietefras

    The new QB 648 Diablo from Horticulture Lighting Group

    Lol yeah he knows how to fudge the numbers. But then they say: "Yield is na gonna be thure" So yes, don't be fooled my manufacturers who sneakily try to increase their numbers knowing that there will be no yield coming from it. Especially by manufacturers who lament this practice by other...
  12. wietefras

    The new QB 648 Diablo from Horticulture Lighting Group

    Sorry, but that really is just marketing nonsense
  13. wietefras

    RJ45 dimmers

    Perhaps you can keep an eye on the current going through the resistor. Usually the current is very low. Like with a mean well driver it's 100micro amps maximum. Low enough that it's actually fine to even shortcut those wires to dim to 0%.
  14. wietefras

    RJ45 dimmers

    Well it could be both. A 0-10V dimmer can usually also be controlled with a potmeter. I know people use the Gavita controller with Mean well 0-10V drivers. And Mean Well drivers can also be controlled with a potmeter. Doesn;t say much, but it shows those dimming systems are flexible. Gavita is...
  15. wietefras

    RJ45 dimmers

    So then when you say a simple potmeter wouldn't work you post a link to buying a potmeter mounted on a box? Potmeters don't have polarity. Not when you put them in a case either. The only thing that can change is if you dim turning clockwise or anti-clockwise depending how you connect the...
  16. wietefras

    RJ45 dimmers

    You could cut off the end of a network cable and wire a potmeter to the wires?
  17. wietefras

    The new QB 648 Diablo from Horticulture Lighting Group

    I think in general Bruce Bugbee does great work. He also explains things so easy that everyone can understand. Though it started to go south when he started to do studies just so he could promote his new FR detecting Apogee sensor. Somehow it feels like he let the commercial side of things...
  18. wietefras

    The new QB 648 Diablo from Horticulture Lighting Group

    How so? Every led light can be very intense. Just give it more watts or add more COBs, boards or strips to your light. Led gardner measured a PPFD matrix where he put 320W of Diablo (3 boards) in a 2'x4' at apparently 2.1umol/J real world efficacy producing 944umol/s/m2 average intensity. Yes...
  19. wietefras

    The new QB 648 Diablo from Horticulture Lighting Group

    Yet the same Bruce Bugbee earlier found that yield dropped in direct relation to a increased relative of blue. Migro also spent a video on those findings. He saw on average something like 4% less yield for 4000K compared to 2700K. In fact the actual report gives even bigger yield drops. Up to...
  20. wietefras

    Het wordt alleen wel steeds lastiger om de kweek goed te laten verlopen hoe hoger de...

    Het wordt alleen wel steeds lastiger om de kweek goed te laten verlopen hoe hoger de intensiteit. Je ziet op het forum al dat mensen problemen beginnen te krijgen bij 1000umol/m2/s als piekwaarde.