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  1. wietefras

    Amerikanen hangen inderdaad vaak een 1000W HPS in een 120x120 tent. Dus dan hangen ze blijkbaar...

    Amerikanen hangen inderdaad vaak een 1000W HPS in een 120x120 tent. Dus dan hangen ze blijkbaar ook een led vervanger daarvan in diezelfde '4x'4 tent. Tsja, als je alles goed doet zou je tot 2000umol/s/m2 kunnen gebruiken voor cannabis en dan dus ook meer oogsten per m2.
  2. wietefras

    The new QB 648 Diablo from Horticulture Lighting Group

    Way too much blue in the spectrum again.
  3. wietefras

    Lumatek Zeus 600 Pro

    That's because Migro tests them like how we would use them. So you get accurate numbers for the light you'd get on the plants in a 150x150cm (5'x5') tent. So that means in his test you will see loss of the light on the walls. Rather than some total PFF output figure where you have to guesstimate...
  4. wietefras

    Lighting spiral of doubt

    You only manipulate the distance in relation to the surface you want to uniformly light with your lamp. You should not deviate from that distance unless you want to light a larger or smaller area. Much like a flashlight. Put it closer to a surface for a smaller circle and further away for a...
  5. wietefras

    Are these strips any good?

    You know what, I digitized the charts for you and normalized all charts to the same volume. (Sorry couldn't be bothered to also account for efficacy) This chart assumes all leds emit the same number of photons and the vertical axis is then the number of photons per wavelenght. Now you...
  6. wietefras

    Are these strips any good?

    The SPD's are really not that different. But yeah, like I said it's more to show the principle. That's how a chart where you can compare SPD's should look like. Again, that's because of how the chart is created. It maxes them all out on the highest peak wavelenght and sets that to 100%. So...
  7. wietefras

    Are these strips any good?

    Sorry, but that is because you are comparing these charts incorrectly. These charts are relative to the wavelength with the highest intensity. This peak is set at 100% for each spectrum. If you draw a chart so that they all show the amount of actual irradiance per wavelenght then the 3500K and...
  8. wietefras

    Led coatings

    Nice story bro. Dust doesn't damage the LES though and corrosive gasses are not stopped by a face mask. Normal led lights are covered by some form of cover already. It just does not add up. So I'm really not buying this. Not sure how it's relevant either, but good for you that you started...
  9. wietefras

    Led coatings

    That's not a difference. Acrylic was proposed as a coating on top of the LES until it was clear that that doesn't actually work on most leds due to the silicone used. I point this out as evidence that people should take the "definitive answers" in this thread as loose suggestions rather than...
  10. wietefras

    Led coatings

    So first acrylic was presented as surely the best coating and now it's something else. At least the understanding that silicone is at the base seems to have gotten through. As the answer to the original question I would say, wait till someone actually knows what they are talking about replies...
  11. wietefras

    Starting from 0 Part 1

    I can't see how it's a good idea to start messing with spraying stuff on top of your leds when people clearly are just guessing whether it will actually work or not. A lot of googling and pretentious copy pasting is not going to replace actually knowing. People who tried it reported it not...
  12. wietefras

    Starting from 0 Part 1

    Yes sorry, just noticed that there are two threads talking about calibrating spectralbench data. and then you somehow replied here to my post in that other thread. So yeah, tickle me confused :) I found it actually quite difficult to get a consistent spd from those cheap DIY webcam...
  13. wietefras

    Led coatings

    A protective coating can also be applied by dispensing. It's does not have to be spread all over the board. Anyway, like Teknik already concluded, you should not be putting protective coatings on a silicone base
  14. wietefras

    The far red thread

    You might not be able to understand how to apply this, but if you understand how Alesh's excel sheet works, then this works the same way. you have two SPD's and you apply them to get a correction. They sell these Tungsten lights specifically for calibrating spectrometers. You are being...
  15. wietefras

    Starting from 0 Part 1

    How does that make sense? They sell these Tungsten lights specifically for calibrating spectrometers. It's ridiculously expensive and completely insane to do something like this with a cheap and hardly functioning...
  16. wietefras

    Led coatings

    Eh, what? You even said it yourself. Just read a datasheet for LB301B and search for silicon. Or a Citizen COB. Especially the blue COB where they only have a silicone cover over the blue led (with no flourescents). You keep saying "conformal coatings" like it means something special. All it...
  17. wietefras

    The far red thread

    Like I explained, it is possible. You need to manually apply the Tungsten calibration. So yes it's not in the tool, but it's used with data from the tool That spreadsheet is 100% manual. And it does exactly the same by applying a correction curve. Even then you only get some vague estimate...
  18. wietefras

    Is it worth adding miscellaneous heatsinks to lights that 'don't need a heatsink'

    Explain what? That a heat conductive material transfers heat?
  19. wietefras

    Is it worth adding miscellaneous heatsinks to lights that 'don't need a heatsink'

    That would be the case if the thin board is really that thin that it doesn't conduct heat properly. Which can't really be the case for boards that are already conductive enough to work without a heat sink (ie the topic subject). Let alone after adding a layer of aluminium on top of that as an...
  20. wietefras

    Led coatings

    No, I'm saying that the leds are already coated with silicone. Which is not a material you can easily "paint" over. So I would not choose to put any layer on top of them. Especially after reading earlier in the thread that someone had the issue of the coating coming loose. "Conformal coating"...