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  1. Marla 420

    Harvest time

    Good Job Congrats. They look like Beauties.
  2. Marla 420

    Impeachment or 25th Amendment - How does Trump leave office?

    It doesn't matter to me as long as his orange ass is gone on the 20th. He has hurt this country more than we can imagine. In 10 years people will just replace the Confederate flags with Trump flags. Whatever happened to just love and respect one another? Ohh I guess that's just Politically...
  3. Marla 420

    In trouble weeks before harvest!

    Wow dude that sucks. Sorry for your loss. R.I.P.
  4. Marla 420

    Hardcore Drooooooooooop.

    Thank you I'm gonna feed them tonight for sure with a good watering. Neither do I. :oops: They all got the same light/soil/water.
  5. Marla 420

    Hardcore Drooooooooooop.

    Just PH'd water the first couple of days I got them to keep the Humidity up. She went discolored last week I think from Cal Mag Def, I had fed them Nuts but I didn't have Cal Mag so she didn't get any and went discolored while the others didn't. Got it the next day and fed them Cal Mag and her...
  6. Marla 420

    Hardcore Drooooooooooop.

    I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be told I need to up the Nuts. I was aiming low like 200ppm but I think I need to go up to 500ppm. But I don't know for sure.
  7. Marla 420

    Hardcore Drooooooooooop.

    Also this is my 3rd clone but she isn't looking like a MJ plant.... More like a bush I found in my yard lol. I'm a terrible grower.
  8. Marla 420

    Hardcore Drooooooooooop.

    Newbie here, I had these cuts in a very small pot because the only other thing I had was 5g and I read that for a newbie it could be dangerous for overwatering. Well I just transplanted yesterday because one of them was too big and she was very unhappy. Really it was time for a feeding but I...
  9. Marla 420

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    This Meme is My FAVVVVVVV Haha
  10. Marla 420

    The best carbon filters for tent?

    Phresh filters are pretty well liked by veteran growers on here. I would go with that. Edit- You trollin me brah? You have been on here since 2015, you must have heard about Phresh/Can filters by now.
  11. Marla 420

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    I don't know why but this makes me laugh ha.
  12. Marla 420

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    Ha, I feel for her.
  13. Marla 420

    Cannarado genetics

    Haha at Jenni Craig (The Go to Insult from the 90's) . I want a pack of that just to save. Cannarado is legit.
  14. Marla 420

    Will Donald Run to Russia? When and what would be the effect?

    Lol it didn't. I was like 19 when I made that post years ago. I really wasn't serious about it, more like just shitposting learning about crazy stuff Lol but Naa I would never really do that. I have never even done any drugs in my life. I only smoke (of course) and occasionally drink. Never...
  15. Marla 420

    Will Donald Run to Russia? When and what would be the effect?

    I do plan to vote but I just don't have enough faith in the American people. Texas won't flip Blue, I heard that in 2016 as well. I just hope it's not a repeat. I'm gonna do my part and vote but my outlook on it isn't good.
  16. Marla 420

    Finally moving out of the closet lol, Got a room to work with. Just some random ideas thread.

    Wow that is SCARRRRYYYY. From everything I have read here I would say 80% of People say it doesn't matter as long as you don't steal power and pay up the electric company is making money off of you and not to worry they don't care. If meter people are getting 10k to snitch on Weed... Lord...
  17. Marla 420

    Finally moving out of the closet lol, Got a room to work with. Just some random ideas thread.

    Alright, I have the Rebel Vortex 8inch that's 728 cfm. I'll make sure to match it appropriately and spend the extra cash for the Phat and Phresh. . I don't know... Either 20amp or 15 to the room (It isn't labeled). Ac/Oven/Water heater all have like 40/50/60 (They are labeled) I was just...
  18. Marla 420

    Will Donald Run to Russia? When and what would be the effect?

    Pffft And? Imagine being so triggered you need go through my history. Creepy Fuck, Must be a Trump Supporter.
  19. Marla 420

    Will Donald Run to Russia? When and what would be the effect?

    I think he will just scream how the election was rigged and his brain dead followers will slurp it up and scream deep state or some crazy conspiracy crap. He definitely won't face the music and he might go to his Russian BF for help. I know Biden has a lead in polls but I also believe Trump...