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  1. LarsVegasNirvana

    Light schedule for autos

    They metabolize in the light too.
  2. LarsVegasNirvana

    Great white / Hydro-guard alternative ?

    It's just kelp extract doing that. It has plant growth hormones in it. I'm sure you could find some kind of kelp extract that is appropriate for hydro.
  3. LarsVegasNirvana

    Light schedule for autos

    Not really. It just saves electricity.
  4. LarsVegasNirvana

    Light schedule for autos

    24 hours and they're up and praying all the time, I've never seen them sleep like my photoperiods do when they hit their DLI, and I've definitely light-bleached them out trying to max out the DLI.
  5. LarsVegasNirvana

    Killer info for setting up a CO2 equipped grow room!

    About halfway down in the section "CO2 and Relative Humidity" The experiment they're quoting was done at 90% humidity, which means basically no transpiration happening at all.
  6. LarsVegasNirvana

    Killer info for setting up a CO2 equipped grow room!

    Yes, I run VPD. This CO2 guide says not to run VPD if you run CO2, which is some bullshit. I'm not concerned with the dry weight of radishes, I'm not trying to grow roots. I use this chart:
  7. LarsVegasNirvana

    First time grower. 8 weeks Veg

    You're doing great. I had the exact same problem on my first grow, only worse. I ended up actually washing all the soil off the roots and replacing it. I didn't have a veg room so I literally had nothing else to do with my time. Every grow since then I've had a veg first motto. I grow lots of...
  8. LarsVegasNirvana

    First time grower. 8 weeks Veg

    Also, a 10g pot in veg is probably how you ended up over-watering. The plant's roots aren't big enough to fill that space yet, so the plant has no ability to pull all that water out of all that soil. It just gets wetter and wetter the more you water it. Aim for 1 foot of plant height per...
  9. LarsVegasNirvana

    First time grower. 8 weeks Veg

    Do you have a veg tent? You should not be overly concerned about plants that you're not even flowering yet. If that happened to me I would throw it away and pull another plant out of my perpetual veg tent to replace it. Or better yet just leave it in the flower room since you have enough room to...
  10. LarsVegasNirvana

    First time grower. 8 weeks Veg

    Supercrop the top branch so it's growing horizontally at the same level as the other tops. Each node in the bent-over portion will grow it's own top, as long as you're not in flower yet. The idea is to make all the lower branches think they're the new top since they're all at about the same...
  11. LarsVegasNirvana

    First time grower. 8 weeks Veg

    Yes that's totally fine. Just put them back on the grating for the next watering. You also might want to try watering slower if you're hand watering, since pouring water too fast can cause it to run down the sides of the pot and completely miss the bottom. A slow drip emitter on a timer is also...
  12. LarsVegasNirvana

    Killer info for setting up a CO2 equipped grow room!

    It's battery powered so you can set it on top of your lights and read it through the window of your tent. It also has an average ppm reading so if you don't have a window you can just check it periodically by unzipping the tent. If you plug it into a 5v USB you can just leave it running 24/7 in...
  13. LarsVegasNirvana

    Killer info for setting up a CO2 equipped grow room!

    Cheap and not even Chinese. It's from Hong Kong.
  14. LarsVegasNirvana

    CO2 generator advice

    I plan to continue to run low VPD even with elevated CO2. I will raise my EC though.
  15. LarsVegasNirvana

    CO2 generator advice

    I even have high pressure misters in my tent so I can maintain 65%RH with my fan running full blast. When I say complete control I mean it. :)
  16. LarsVegasNirvana

    CO2 generator advice

    I have complete control over the environment. That shouldn't be a problem. Like I said, I've done literally everything else already.
  17. LarsVegasNirvana

    Killer info for setting up a CO2 equipped grow room!

    My eyebrows always raise when someone argues that you need to keep your flower room at low RH. The study he links to is cherry picked, and not at all representative of the scientific consensus. Here is a more recent study on a different species that shows the exact opposite...
  18. LarsVegasNirvana

    First time grower. 8 weeks Veg

    Just focus on watering the right amount and the right frequency and add some beneficial bacteria. There's really not much else you can do about root rot.
  19. LarsVegasNirvana

    First time grower. 8 weeks Veg

    Aside from your media problem, you might want to top those or supercrop them or something to work on your canopy management. Right now it's very uneven and you can grow them as christmas trees but spending a little more time in veg to even things out into a nice flat canopy or even a scrog...
  20. LarsVegasNirvana

    First time grower. 8 weeks Veg

    You could have either problem, the droopyness of the leaves is a symptom of both over and under watering. You could also have root death from either problem, since if you wait too long to water to the point where the peat becomes rock hard, sometimes it will not absorb water again, and you can...