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  1. N

    SIP Mulching

    If you want big plants and the big rez to accommodate them, I highly recommend the Rubbermaid Brute Totes as they come in 2 sizes where the smaller one nests perfectly into the larger one and they are food-grade plastic. You can see mine in the SIP thread (it was shared a good while back).
  2. N

    SIP Mulching

    If you need extra humidity (i.e. winter time) it may be beneficial to not have the cover. But the top will be dryer otherwise especially if you have fans/etc.
  3. N

    SIP Mulching

    When I ran my SIPs I went without any mulch or cover - but also occasionally would top-feed/water in some extra goodness for a nutes/microbes bump. It worked for me fine, including my best run ever. Now, keep in mind I was in a 4x4 space but that was in an open room around 5X10 so the humidity...
  4. N

    To scrog or not to scrog, that is the question

    if anything else - it'll provide support for them, I'd do it. Every time I set out with the mindset to scrog and fail to actually follow through - I usually regret it. Like others said, you can make it work by bending/topping/etc.
  5. N

    Does anyone have experience with either of these products?Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide and Supreme Growers Soil Blast 0-0-7nd

    +1 for the Southern Ag - it's super concentrated compared to anything being marketed to hydro/cannabis audience. Definitely on the "use this / not that" list for me. I use plain tap water for first 24h in my aero cloner and then add the BFF sometime the next day. When the clones first go in &...
  6. N

    What you put under your fabric beds?

    I'd personally look into a good pond liner and make one like others are suggesting here, making sure it was of the right type of rubber that is plant/fish safe. I.e. I have purchased the extra think EPDM stuff from Firestone and it's heavy duty for sure - weighs a ton when I got the box. I know...
  7. N

    What’s your foliar/topdressing “regime”? Detailed list

    One thing I noticed in your list was the Big-6 which I use as well since it omits the iron (given our soils tend to be fine on that one). IIRC there was some threads somewhere on here where it was discussed about using it as a foliar vs a drench/feed. I think it was said that it was better to...
  8. N

    Mikrobs vs Recharge vs Photosynthesis Plus

    Also I think Photo+ is "systemic" and the plant will uptake some of the photosensitive microbes into the plant itself. It's really a bit different than something like ReCharge or anything you'd apply in your media or as a drench.
  9. N

    Mikrobs vs Recharge vs Photosynthesis Plus

    I've used Recharge and Photo+ both. One thing to consider is that the Photo+ is also viable for use as a foliar (and might even be the preferred mode of application??). The Nectar for the Gods crowd also seems to favor Photo+ as it is often cited as part of their community-driven regimen along...
  10. N

    Air pump for tea brewing help

    Also if noise is a factor for you, I was looking at the "better" options for high volume air pumps and it seems the ones they call "linear" pumps have multiple benefits over the traditional diaphragm pumps we typically use. I believe they're better at tolerating heat, higher reliability, etc.
  11. N

    Air pump for tea brewing help

    After reading this thread and the nematodes comments it led me to think why not just top dress with some EWC before watering in with the tea. That way the nematodes from the top-dressing would not be impacted by the mechanisms used to brew the tea. That way you can brew using the more aggressive...
  12. N

    Fish bone meal substitute

    Crab meal brings chitin or chitinase to the table as well iirc. I'm a fan of the dash of this / dash of that approach for variety so I can try to get the benefits from having multiple sources of the macro/micro inputs. I was also under the impression that fish bone meal was also...
  13. N

    Updating my grow space, looking for suggestions.

    So I'm looking to rearrange things and upgrade/optimize my space. After a few years of this and it being strictly for personal use and no intent of needing 'xtra' to sell to others I now know I don't need some massive square footage and tons of plants. A single 4x4 ran a couple times a year...
  14. N

    Grow Dots Anyone?

    Wonder how those would do in a SIP setup. Looks similar to Nectar's OneShot deal, might have to give it a try or at least use for mother plant maintenance, etc.
  15. N

    Humidifier for inkbird humidifier controller

    Wow, that fucking sucks. They basically made their products entirely useless to an entire demographic of their market. I'm thinking the DIY path of something like a 10g trash can with a fan blowing across a wick or something similar will be the next best option. Put you an InkBird controller on...
  16. N

    NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

    Was watching the OCG Fam show deal and noticed they're touting some new Nectar products and a new soil (4shot). Anyone tried these new products out yet?
  17. N

    Wicking q's??

    You could also use ropes, even hemp rope is available at big box hardware stores these days. You could also look at synthetic ropes for wicks but if you're not sure about plastics/leaching & what is or isn't acceptable to you then I'd look towards the hemp rope. Old grow book I had when I was...
  18. N

    Divider ?

    I was also just considering getting another small led panel to put on some type of stand and just add more light from that side and move the light as needed - the fans go right around the pole I'd use (old floor flight salvaged for the pole/heavy base) and I could use the extra heat anyhow...
  19. N

    Divider ?

    Similar deal here. I've contemplated getting some type of reflective surface that I could easily move to the side as needed. I just didn't want it to interfere with my airflow as my fans were sitting a little ways back, not in the actual grow space itself. So if I were to relocate fans for...