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  1. N

    Coots style soil with smaller containers(5G to 7G)

    My setup does appear to keep them pretty moist down low in the bed, but top is bone dry. I've also experimented with how much aeration is in the mix and also how much it is intentionally compacted vs left loose & airy. The degree of compaction I was expecting to influence how much it wicks...
  2. N

    Mother plant height

    I'm all over the board on mother plant feeding approaches. A bit of this, a dash of that. Fish Hydrolysate and some Cal/Mag periodically. I throw a dash of the Nectar OneShot on every couple months. Added some cottonseed meal for slow release N, a little kelp now & then, etc. What I'm aiming...
  3. N

    No till 7 Gal 2nd cycle

    If your looking for food grade plastic, the rubbermaid totes come in 2 sizes in both grey and white. Supposed to be food-safe.
  4. N

    Coots style soil with smaller containers(5G to 7G)

    I have those 4" corrugated pipes that work with the flange to make a riser which is then packed with your media/wicking material. Biggest modification I'd make is be sure to build a damn trellis and put the thing on a dolly with wheels. ;-) And I'm still looking for a good water level...
  5. N

    Seeds in outdoor bud (CAUSE)

    From what I understand any form of stress could induce it. In my case I had indoor container (sip) plants going and was pushing them a bit hard with top-feeding some extra goodies and I suspect that the pH swings may have been the cause. Same strain, same room, same lights and hvac as prior...
  6. N

    How much is too much calcium?

    When I hear mention of basalt there's usually some mention of the paramagnetic effect on plant growth. I'm going to incorporate it on my next round probably - was looking at the blend from that rockdustlocal place. Might as well buy a couple big bags and that'll last me forever and then some.
  7. N

    How much is too much calcium?

    Napa has a montmorillonite clay based absorbent, not the DE stuff - was special order at my local store. It's like turface which is another common one I've seen mentioned and I've used in the past. Also certain specific kitty litters are montmorillonite or bentonite based.
  8. N

    How much is too much calcium?

    I've been using the Soil Saavy tests myself, I had started with Logan Labs and weighted scoop mehlich/saturated paste but the Soil Saavy test is more about what is available so it just fits the bill better imo. The comment re: hard water above is spot on that it needs to be taken into...
  9. N

    Mother plant height

    I've also been looking at the mother plant specific nutes to try and not give a full N-loaded veg feed to help slow down the growth as I don't use many clones a year and I mainly focus on preserving the genetics. Definitely have to rotate in new moms periodically - I'm finding even with...
  10. N

    How much is too much calcium?

    FWIW, I've loaded up my soils pretty damn heavy on Ca and so far can't attribute any issues to the Ca levels. And definitely get the tests. I value them - at least in my efforts so far I think they helped me.
  11. N

    How much is too much calcium?

    The other materials you often see cited describe a Ca:Mg ratio as well. I forget the specifics but there's an image I've seen in several threads where there is some discussion on ideal ratios but I don't think it widely agreed upon either. Look for any materials from academia and not specific to...
  12. N

    How much is too much calcium?

    It's a balancing act. Refer to Mulder's charts...
  13. N

    option for "pumice" in coots mix?

    They sell a lot of the smaller stuff for bonsai I think. Of course they jack the price up for the specialty market but you know they're sourcing the smaller/finer stuff from somewhere and then just repackaging in smaller quantities with jacked up prices. Look on ebay or amazon for horticultural...
  14. N

    Coots style soil with smaller containers(5G to 7G)

    Here's the link where I show the current setup =>
  15. N

    Mother Plant-Specific Nutrients And General Care/Maint.

    Interesting. I had looked into mother plant nutes myself in the past. I have tried the Hydrodymanic Mother A/B before and was also looking for something dry instead. Last I had looked I was eyeballing the NFTG OneShot but this might be worth looking into further. I otherwise use fish...
  16. N

    shitty float valve.

    They now make water cutoff valves that use a smart/wireless sensor. Not cheap but design for whole-house, could be applied as plan B for a float valve. I've spaced leaving my RO water running as well and was so glad I had a float valve - but seeing yours fail now has me thinking about mine as...
  17. N

    Coots style soil with smaller containers(5G to 7G)

    What I like about SIPs? Low to no maintenance. No pumps to fail, no pumps to make low audible noises I need to mask in my situation, etc. I can top off the rez and leave for a week or more and not fret about watering. You can use super soil and go water-only or do a little bit of an amended...
  18. N

    Coots style soil with smaller containers(5G to 7G)

    I highly recommend the Brute Totes from Rubbermaid as they have 2 sizes in food-grade plastic. I posted my SIP setup on the SIP thread but there's 2 sizes and they nest perfectly and leave a nice 6-7gal rez.
  19. N

    fabric plastic sides vs fabric

    I'm finding that my 7gals sitting in a 2x4 are really effected by the air flow at the inlet port. The one closest to it will be bone dry in the plastic tub it sits in where the other 2 still have standing water. The cloth pot is really wicking and inducing that humidity to go into the air...