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  1. N

    What to do with Natural bat poop (from insect eating bats) What so do with it and how to best make use

    Being untreated, raw product I'd take all the correct safety precautions when handling it. I think it was histoplasmosis or something like that you have to worry about with bat guanos. Don't be the 1st leap of the next animal to human virus man, we got our hands full as it is. ;-) All joking...
  2. N

    Should I remove the bud from a revegging plant?

    I thought I read somewhere that removing bud would help with the shift back to vegging vs flowering faster. I imagine it works either way just fine and it may only help with the speed of the transition at best.
  3. N

    OK to make 'concentrated' nute mix in 1L water, then dilute to target levels?

    Which, btw, I've bent those rules a good bit... I'm mixing for like 3 gals in a 1 gal that is almost full of RO to start with and I gently shake between every couple bottle which if you know their line can be a lot of bottles. ;-p
  4. N

    OK to make 'concentrated' nute mix in 1L water, then dilute to target levels?

    I think it might also depend on what nutes you're running. For example there's a video about NFTG where they talk about this and demonstrated what happens when they're in (semi) concentrated form and you have them reacting. They actually advise constant stirring while mixing their nutes too.
  5. N

    Living soil super soil?

    Definitely pay some attention to your ratios, i.e. Mulders chart. Too much of 1 thing can throw the others off and make them unavailable or locked out. I.e. too much Ca isn't necessarily a good thing. I was going a bit heavy on my OSF for instance before I realized you can have too much.
  6. N

    rather old seeds...

    Full strength soak or diluted for those? I've been sitting on a few myself that I'm considering what techniques can help assure best success rate. They've sat in their original little zip baggies in a small hardshell case kept inside (70's year round temp, normal indoor humidity not too high or...
  7. N

    Living soil super soil?

    Also this time around I've been looking at bird guano instead of bat since they destroy bat colonies to mine the stuff versus scraping bird shit off the rocks to harvest the seabird guanos. Down To Earth was what I was meaning to get but it wasn't labeled for sale in my state but the Roots...
  8. N

    Living soil super soil?

    I've also been using malted barley in my mixes and top dressing along with bokashi (or similar).
  9. N

    Living soil super soil?

    Look into neem & karanja, educate yourself on the controversy around using neem. I like the neem for its pest prevention aspects. Alfalfa and Kelp are common choices as well. This last time I did look to ensure I had some slow release N in there to help fade for flower without running out of...
  10. N

    is this start of root root? im freaking out

    Search around and you'll see all types of remedies for root rot and for the future preventative regimens. I.e. beneficials aact tea, enzymes (i.e. Hygrozyme and the likes), and then alternatives to HydroGuard like Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide (GFF). Tons of posts out there for root...
  11. N

    Do you reuse fabric pots that look like this?

    True, but you're trading off air pruning for humidity control in that example; Can't have both. ;-) I was using it as an example of damage-control if someone found themselves with an issue after the decision to use cloth pots had been made. This last run I've used some tops on my 7gal cloth...
  12. N

    Do you reuse fabric pots that look like this?

    Actually this post made me think about the bigger room where I struggle to keep humidity high enough, in that case the cloth pots may be helping by adding humidity. One option you can consider with these cloth pots is you can always use saran/plastic wrap around the outsides to increase or...
  13. N

    Do you reuse fabric pots that look like this?

    I think the point re: humidity control is a big consideration. I've used them and done so in a large 5x10 room with good air movement. I'm doing a side-run in a little 2x4 tent and I'm finding humidity harder to control, which these cloth pots are likely contributing to that. If/when I use...
  14. N


    Top-dress with it, add to worm bin, etc. All good options - no point in just throwing it away. Some of the goodies in recharge may not be fully water soluble and rely on the biology to break them down so you'd be losing those additions otherwise.
  15. N

    Watering till run-off, but soil VERY dry

    As of lately I've been including yucca meal in my soil mix hoping that each watering it's like adding yucca extract - without having to remember. ;-)
  16. N

    What micron bag for teas

    With what they charge for bubble bags/kits I'd think there's cheaper options. I've often see people saying to use paint strainers that go on a 5 gal bucket. That way you can just dump things in and bubble away like Padawan is saying but you can then filter the end product if you need to run it...
  17. N

    Soil NPK, what are we really getting for our money?

    The interesting thing I noticed on that bag was the big bold disclaimer saying "Not for use in organic crop and organic food preparation". WTF? Maybe they're saying it would disqualify the grow as being a 'certified organic' or something. They even show tomatoes on the bag...
  18. N

    Question: Grow box intake fan and fabric pots

    Correct on the AC Infinity being DC-based. For me and a 'closet' size setup the 6" pulls through a 6" filter just fine for my short runs. But this is also where oversizing the fan still applies of course; I'm okay with a little longer dwell time with the air moving across the filter media...
  19. N

    Humidifier additives - safe for grow and safe for dry/cure?

    Right. I had also considered if I could use peroxide treatments occasionally to help prevent any issues knowing that it shouldn't present any issues as it breaks down/evaporates (I think). Basically I'm thinking you just need to really stay on top of your preventative maintenance and avoid...
  20. N

    Question: Grow box intake fan and fabric pots

    Just to clarify, variacs only work for the traditional AC fans. These newer DC fans are "EC Controlled" and variacs are not applicable on them. At least that's my understanding...