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  1. Budies 101

    DIY LM561c s6 320watt light build

    I'm sorry if you live close by but I have killed off my GG12, this was my last grow with it and i tossed the mother due to simply having better genetics. I personally don't dislike gorilla glue but I only grew 12 because it was not 4. So many people grow GG4 that it feels pointless to grow to...
  2. Budies 101

    DIY LM561c s6 320watt light build

    I look forward to seeing it, I believe Quantum board (pcb) builds are the future for us atm. I'm running right around 1k watts over a 5x10 atm, doubt i'll hit max (1200watts). lights are super cool with fnas glossing over them and I sold a few of my pcb lights to some local people that wanted...
  3. Budies 101

    DIY LM561c s6 320watt light build

    Well thank you, Oregon. To be honest I have far better genetics, kinda sad that I did this grow log/light build (my first grow log). This is "King Louis xiii," this and my gelato (phantom cookies as well) to me are just overall noticeable better. I hope next grow I have KingL goin. The Viper...
  4. Budies 101

    DIY LM561c s6 320watt light build

    Just pointing out that I built my lights to do a 4x8 grow area and my scrog in these pics is a 5x10 and the lights cover it very very well IMO. Plants would look fuller in a 4x8 as well but my goal is quality over weight.
  5. Budies 101

    DIY LM561c s6 320watt light build

    I guess I'm about 5-6 weeks into flower here, ways to go. =) GG#12 getting good purple so far. Close up of GG#12 Viper cookies - Viper cookies close up ~ Full grow shot: GG#12 - Viper cookies - other sexing plants below scrog you can see and Zod all way in back under the other scrog.
  6. Budies 101

    Samsung F562B Linear Strip Build

    Sorry the thread seems to be about a few things at once so just posting at what I have red up to page 3. To me efficiency is king. As when mentioned before 100watts is not always equal because at 100watts to grow marijuana to me it goes like CoB < 200diode pcb < 400diode pcb. Of course ppfd...
  7. Budies 101

    Samsung F562B Linear Strip Build

    Lol thats a HUGE light. pics!
  8. Budies 101

    New Spectrum King SK600

    180 lm/w is really good, are they running it at 100mA you think? Something tells me they are driven much harder hence the heatsink, also that i only quickly counted 60 main *cobs* on there.... Everything else looks like a handful of watts at best, so it seems like they are running the cobs at...
  9. Budies 101

    New Spectrum King SK600

    Fair enough, I don't want to fight or get into an insult competition here as I assume you don't either. This thread was about discussion about SK lights, not a grow log with SK lights. I'd look at a grow log with SK lights, someone that has tons of $ that does not mind spending as much on a...
  10. Budies 101

    New Spectrum King SK600

    lolz. Dude you come across as having anger issues... We are on forums where we build and discuss the best of the best leds being built today, that's rare in any industry. SK build just fine lights, for people who don't mind massively overpaying for something that at best is considered...
  11. Budies 101

    Timber grow lights and Dan the president

    Great to hear! Even if you buy today you will have lights that are growing with 60% the watts as HPS but able to grow the same quality... fooooorrreeever!!!!~~~
  12. Budies 101

    LED Christmas lights attached to flowering branches?

    Just my opinion here as I don't know the answer offhand but I doubt the chips are that good and they get pretty hot. The heat seems like it would be an issue ON the plant because unlike a tree the plant has trichomes on it and when heat is added they might get *weird.* I'd hate to see the...
  13. Budies 101

    New Spectrum King SK600

    I'm not trying too hard, there is something wrong with you and your logic. You do realize this company makes incredible claims but has a "meh" led light right? I build my own led light that I can say at their worst will grow equal to this COMPANIES "brightest lights like omfgz evah!".... and...
  14. Budies 101

    New Spectrum King SK600

    Wow, almost like they admit their "older" lights were crap lol.
  15. Budies 101

    New Spectrum King SK600

    I don't see a spec of evidence that what I said was wrong. I didn't call the lights crap or un able to grow, they are as I said in your quote of me, SK to me is a company that builds "lights that are considered lower end here." LED's are about efficiency of power consumption, at least to me...
  16. Budies 101

    New Spectrum King SK600

    lolz! SK is borderline offensive because its an actual company that buiilds lights that are considered lower end here but in a frame that makes them a joke even in the growing world at large.
  17. Budies 101

    New Spectrum King SK600

    I have spent well over 5k on my led builds but if I were spending it on bullchit SK lights I'd have 3 and a half fing lights LOLOLOLz! SK charges well over 2$ a watt and we build lights for well under 1$ a watt... Oh and out lights are not smaller than a shoe box destroying your ppfd.
  18. Budies 101

    New Spectrum King SK600

    Looks like an idiot made that light. If HPS chould grow with 10 100watt bulbs it should if quality of the bulbs are equal grow better quality stuff than 1 single 1k watt bulb... Spectrum king builds mindlessly condensed led lights that have the uneven coverage of a HPS, making me ask "WTF?"...
  19. Budies 101

    Quantum Boards: Are they worth it? Why or why not?

    I built my own PCB so I don't use Quantum boards but the idea is similar. My light is like 2 1/2 QB's as one... That all being said, I have build I dono, 15 or so CoB lights and 6 PCB lights. To be the differences are that it's significantly cheaper to build PCB lights as I only need 4 of my...