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  1. Z


    Besides giving a gift to the public domain, to help the patients and little guys that need it, to make their lives better.
  2. Z


    FYI - JW and HH selflessly give their time everyday, identifying the real GG4. I do not know the stats, but I would guess it is at least 20% false. It is easily accomplished fraud, or mistakes by mislabeling.
  3. Z

    Favorite Autos?

    Was not that impressed by potency of auto's. Did grow quite a few. The tastiest was AutoMazar (superauto, 90 days, 3 foot), tastes like old school hash.
  4. Z


    I have not been here in 3 years, and left because of constant bickering, without moderation. Just a few points - GG4 has been tested up to 32% THC. Many growers get 1000 grams from a 1K light (probably even more with the new Gavita DE's), 30 day grow, 60-65 flower. Know some that get 1500...
  5. Z

    Hydroponic Gorilla Glue #4 Grow With The Flow (ebb)

    How many PPM is the tap water?? Have not been here in years, due to a troll harassing me. Is there a way to send private messages?
  6. Z

    Hydroponic Gorilla Glue #4 Grow With The Flow (ebb)

    That is what they are calling #5.
  7. Z

    Hydroponic Gorilla Glue #4 Grow With The Flow (ebb)

    Not sure when, but would assume this summer. Here is his site -!strains/ctl1
  8. Z

    Hydroponic Gorilla Glue #4 Grow With The Flow (ebb)

    My condolences!!! I was impressed by the frost. I am only a few days behind you. Are you RDWC? I love hydro, but growing it in coir, since that is what my friends are using, and the only thing they can give advice on. Had a mediocre first coir run, and an abortion hydro run, because of cold as...
  9. Z

    Hydroponic Gorilla Glue #4 Grow With The Flow (ebb)

    I have been told by commercial growers, to not go over 600-650 PPM with GG4. What is the PPM of your runoff?? Must be through the roof. I will be testing runoff tonight. Have been feeding 600, and runoff has been 550-650. I love flood and drain, but most GG4 pro's are using coir, so I have...
  10. Z

    Aeroponic cloner problems.

    This site is infected with hackers!!!! Run Malwarebytes from Found 15 trojan/rootkits. They tried to rerach UAE, NewDelhi, Netherlands, Turkey, Leningrad. Then got messages about addresses in Herndon VA, home of FBI, trying to get out of pc. TDSSKILLER,from cnet got rid of that.
  11. Z

    This site is overun with hackers or worse!!!

    Snort is the seeker shadow project. Honeypots/nets/etc, are They produce false targets, to see if miscreants are trying something. There should be no traffic to or from. Originals were PC's, now emulated PC's of your choice of configuration (OS, Patch level,etc)...
  12. Z

    This site is overun with hackers or worse!!!

    I would be willing to clean up their network for free, just to get back into being a whitehat.
  13. Z

    This site is overun with hackers or worse!!!

    I have to applaud the moderators, but management should make this a priority!!!!!!
  14. Z

    This site is overun with hackers or worse!!!

    Can a moderator comment on what is being done about this. If servers are hosted in-house, you are responsible. If you use an ISP, it is their responsibility. I will setup an IDS and honeypots/honeynets, for you, all public domain (just cost of PC's).
  15. Z

    This site is overun with hackers or worse!!!

    After installing Malwarebytes, I got outbound connection attempts from UAE, New Delhi, Netherlands, Turkey, and Leningrad. Ran their scanner which found 15 malicious trojan/rootkits, and removed. After that I got attempts to 4 addresses in Herndon Va, home of FBI. TDSSKiller also on c-net killed...
  16. Z

    This site is overun with hackers or worse!!!

    I really appreciate this site, but ignorance on security, or worse avoiding the issue, will ruin them.
  17. Z

    This site is overun with hackers or worse!!!

    My computer was brutally slow, I googled malware detection, and found Malwarebytes, for free and downloaded from c-net, which has been safe for decades. As soon as I installed, it had pop-ups about outbound connections it was preventing. Ran a scan and it removed all it could find. Rebooted and...
  18. Z

    This site is overun with hackers or worse!!!

    If you use an obscure Linux, and can change the directory structure, no one will infect you. Honeypots (and honeyD, which creates numerous virtual pc's to be attacked), honeynets, and honeywalls, are advanced pro-active intrusion detection. Willing to help those in need, to sharpen skills.