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  1. ttystikk

    Does bucket size matter

    Yeah, we've all made that mistake at least once lol I make it easier on myself by titrating my acid solution down to pretty low molarity so I'm not messing with super tiny amounts, plus I run fairly large nutrient reservoirs, which helps keep things more stable.
  2. ttystikk

    Does bucket size matter

    I balance mine with the occasional tiny splash of acid to lower pH or dilute to raise it. I find it's pretty easy to keep it within a tenth or so of where I want it. If it isn't a problem, why "solve" it?
  3. ttystikk

    Need a fresh start , suggestions ?

    I'm going to give you the craziest contrarian advice and you might think I'm nuts but the biggest mistake newcomers make is making things too complicated. Therefore, I think that the best way to get started is to make believe you're growing tomatoes. Get big box store potting soil, miracle gro...
  4. ttystikk

    Instagram hides search results for 'Democrats'

    Keep in mind that they have put themselves in front of the camera, on display, because they are certain there's nothing the rest of us can do about it. The question of this moment in history is, are they correct? Have the other 99.99% of Americans simply given up?
  5. ttystikk

    Instagram hides search results for 'Democrats'

    Follow the money; it always leads to the truth.
  6. ttystikk

    Cannabis and Firearms Question

    In my case, the neighbors turned me in. It's nice to think that way but it's not always how things work out.
  7. ttystikk

    Cannabis and Firearms Question

    These seem contradictory; if it's powerful enough to stop a home invader- possibly an armed one, how is it not a lethal weapon?
  8. ttystikk

    Cannabis and Firearms Question

    That's a good question.
  9. ttystikk

    Cannabis and Firearms Question

    In Colorado, they take having guns and drugs in the same location very seriously. If you're a medical user and you grow your own, they'll be pretty lenient- until they see a gun. Then you're screwed. However, they've said that they take crimes committed against growers very seriously and those...
  10. ttystikk

    Cannabis and Firearms Question

    $5k isn't cheap.
  11. ttystikk

    just dogs

    Posted this pic of my old dog in another thread and it got enough love that I figured I should post it here too. Harley was the best;
  12. ttystikk

    Does bucket size matter

    I'm very curious to know how it works.
  13. ttystikk

    Matrix Reloaded/Silo Grow Method

    They couldn't wait on the crypto scams- they've already crashed the value of one of them!
  14. ttystikk

    Does bucket size matter

    What pH does it stabilize things at?
  15. ttystikk

    Happy Birthday injinji

    Bummer. Not the best birthday present. With a bit of luck, you'll have a mild case and the only lingering effect will be immunity.
  16. ttystikk

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Eye protection... And a good excuse when the SWAT Team shows up!
  17. ttystikk

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    And now we know where the phrase,"duck, duck - goose!" comes from!
  18. ttystikk

    Soil, growing tomatoes v marijuana

    Gypsum by definition is calcium sulfate. It's the bane of hydroponic growers because it comes about when nutrients like calcium nitrate and magnesium sulfate - aka epsom salt - are improperly mixed. The calcium and sulfur undergo a flocculation reaction, form gypsum and because gypsum is 97%...
  19. ttystikk

    Project Mayhem - Tyler Durden's Perpetual Grow

    Back in the day when I did horizontal SCRoG (when we climbed on wooly mammoths to steal street lights for our grows), I did a pretty regimented topping program; I topped the recently rooted plant and cleaned up the side branches until it had 4 and only 4 side branches, in an X pattern when...
  20. ttystikk

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    With a few of those, I bet the Donner Party would have been a lot more fun!