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  1. ttystikk

    Matrix Reloaded/Silo Grow Method

    Good to see you.
  2. ttystikk

    Fascism and the Republican Party

    On this Ides of March, it's important to remember that America's inverted totalitarianism system of government (Sheldon Wolin) means that both parties are active participants in America's decent into Fascism. This may be an uncomfortable truth for those still desperately clinging to the notion...
  3. ttystikk

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    LMAO Awesome!
  4. ttystikk

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    This isn't science fiction; there are way too many apps that don't do anything better than just leaving it the way it was. But some motherfucker is making money!
  5. ttystikk

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    This is THE PERFECT HACK; I mean, what cop is going to pull this guy over, knowing there's guaranteed to be paperwork involved?!
  6. ttystikk

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    He doesn't believe in you either.
  7. ttystikk

    Current climatic conditions

    Rainy and upper 30s in northern Colorado today. We'll take our moisture pretty much any way we can get it. Behave, those with dirty minds- you know who you are!
  8. ttystikk

    Current climatic conditions

    I was able to see it between the clouds, which was actually pretty cool.
  9. ttystikk


    Seriously, the older you get, the harder it is to surprise you. 274 moons? Some of them orbit in retrograde?? Ripples in the ring world continuum?!? Fucking amazing! Who else saw the eclipse last night? I got a few looks through the clouds here.
  10. ttystikk

    ** Bob Bitchen's Beans ** Community Journal **

    You make it hard for a guy to say no...
  11. ttystikk


    Wow, this is quite a post!
  12. ttystikk

    Current climatic conditions

    For tonight's viewing of the last lunar eclipse easily viewable from the central US for a long time... It's forecast to be cloudy.
  13. ttystikk


    Aaaaaaand looking overcast here too.
  14. ttystikk

    ** Bob Bitchen's Beans ** Community Journal **

    Can someone tell me more about Dancing Lime? I do love my citrus terps and the "euphoric high" sounds like what I'm looking for?
  15. ttystikk


  16. ttystikk

    Need help - I have weird burn on leaves during my vegetative state

    It won't be low pH because then the plants would at least get N.
  17. ttystikk

    Project Mayhem - Tyler Durden's Perpetual Grow

    I'm not him but I'll tell you why I went with fewer big plants instead of shitloads of small ones; plant count in case you get The Knock. And indeed it did happen to me. The difference between big SCRoG plants and SOG would have been a few years in prison. It's the stupidest reason ever but...
  18. ttystikk

    Need help - I have weird burn on leaves during my vegetative state

    I suggest calcium nitrate because you have deficiencies in both.
  19. ttystikk

    Need help - I have weird burn on leaves during my vegetative state

    Calcium and nitrogen deficiency.
  20. ttystikk

    Upgrading LED Lights

    You throw out a lot of words but they're pretty self contradictory. Also, I have a degree and decades of experience in indoor environmental control. If you want to learn, just ask- and then listen carefully.