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  1. Fadedawg

    Simple RSO

    It will take a long time at that temperature.
  2. Fadedawg

    Simple RSO
  3. Fadedawg

    Dry sift room temperature

    Optimum temperature is a good question. I've controlled the material temperature, but dry sieve at local indoor ambient, which in the summer is typically in the 60's to 80's, but has hotter spikes. Harvest is typically in the late fall, so indoor temperatures is a pretty uniform 68F during...
  4. Fadedawg

    QWET keeps bubbling over when removing ethanol

    Graywolf's Lair is @: The QWET article is at:
  5. Fadedawg

    RSO advice
  6. Fadedawg

    QWET keeps bubbling over when removing ethanol

    Wait to pull full vacuum until more of the alcohol is gone. I bring it up to heat and then start vacuum. When the boiling becomes too intense, I back off until it calms down and then proceed again until I reach full vacuum.
  7. Fadedawg

    Long time toker but first real medical extraction, need some help please

    It might well be the dealbreaker. A phone call would put it in perspective.
  8. Fadedawg

    Diy rosin press

    For those so inclined Good for you! Here is a link to an article that includes the machining prints and wiring diagram for rosin plates:
  9. Fadedawg

    Green dragon white stuff (if in wrong section lmk)

    The beige liquid that you get when evaporating away the alcohol from an alcohol extraction is a mixture of water, alcohol, and aromatic hydrocarbons.
  10. Fadedawg

    Green dragon white stuff (if in wrong section lmk)

    The picture looks like precipitated plant wax. Have you checked the consistency to see if it is waxy?
  11. Fadedawg

    Long time toker but first real medical extraction, need some help please

    Apis Labs offers ethanol with heptane, which is pretty standard in our industry and would be an excellent choice of vendors if they are close enough that shipping costs aren't an issue. They are the vendor I used with WolfWurx and turned our customers on to.
  12. Fadedawg

    Untalked about way to extract thc?

    We went after the trichomes on stems and fan leaves a little differently, but they tend to be more mature than the trichomes on the buds and sugar leaf, so the effect is different...
  13. Fadedawg

    Long time toker but first real medical extraction, need some help please

    About $8 per Liter
  14. Fadedawg

    Dry Ice not cold enough for QWET, what am I doing wrong?

    It will drop the temperature in minutes, and does put out a fog. You can also bury the alcohol container in the dry ice beforehand to cool it down.
  15. Fadedawg

    Dry Ice not cold enough for QWET, what am I doing wrong?

    I don't see how -80C would damage the freezer but might be hard on the seals opening and closing it. Consider a cheap heavy Styrofoam cooler.
  16. Fadedawg

    RSO advice needed.

    -28.5" Hg is usually low enough for vacuum filtration, but not for evacuating a chamber prior to BHO extraction or post-extraction purging. A two-stage vacuum pump will typically pull under 5 microns and -28.5" Hg is about 36,000 microns.
  17. Fadedawg

    RSO purification and techniques

    I freeze my material in a -18C/0F freezer and put the dry ice into the alcohol to cool it down before and during extraction. With LPG I run it through heat exchangers that are either in an alcohol/dry ice bath, or through a counter flow heat exchanger with LN2 on the cold side.
  18. Fadedawg

    RSO advice needed.

    Good point. A coffee filter and a #1 lab filter are in the same micron range at 15 to 25..