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  1. Fadedawg

    Decarb Live Resin in Oil?

    Yes. I typically use 250F to decarboxylate cannabis essential oils and watch the CO2 bubble production from decarboxylation to judge progress. Charts only approximate the average time required, and they don't always reflect actual process conditions. For instance, the lower chart was done...
  2. Fadedawg

    Distillate and high proof alcohol

    The English word is saturated or saturation, depending on context. I would put the distillate in last. You will lose some when you strain out the cassis otherwise. The distillate will mix at any ratio with ethanol but less so with water in the mix. Assume 1:1 is the practical limit without...
  3. Fadedawg

    Red dabs?

    Kool! Might I ask how?
  4. Fadedawg

    supercritical co2 extraction - diy community?

    WOG means water, oil, and gas service. Check out "high pressure solenoid valves" for higher ratings. IE: high-pressure solenoids | McMaster-Carr
  5. Fadedawg

    supercritical co2 extraction - diy community?

    Rating and testing are different. A ASME tank tested to 9000 psi, would be rated at 3000 psi. Here is the experiments that we performed: 15.24 DIY SCFE CO2 - GrayWolf's Lair ( Ostensibly, using heat instead of pumps will expose your material to a more wider...
  6. Fadedawg

    improving my alcohol extracts

    I've never tried to determine the minimum amount of ethanol necessary to do a full extraction. I'm more concerned with getting the most concentrate without picking up non-targeted elements. I typically takes more than one wash to do so without sacrificing quality. QWET - GrayWolf's...
  7. Fadedawg

    Vaccum purge time ? And clolor

    The Celite and bentonite clays are typically used to remove polar elements, which typically are colored. 10.7.3 CRC 101, Intro to CRC and packing a poor man’s CRC - GrayWolf's Lair (
  8. Fadedawg

    How to make dabs last longer

    Abstinence makes the dab grow fonder................................................................
  9. Fadedawg

    improving my alcohol extracts

    I reduce the amount of alcohol after extraction using a still, or simple evaporation in a Pyrex casserole dish to give it a lot of surface area. I leave just enough alcohol for it to flow properly and not burn my tongue when I use it sublingually.
  10. Fadedawg

    supercritical co2 extraction - diy community?

    We used SCUBA tanks. Their operating pressure is 3000 to 3500 psi.
  11. Fadedawg

    supercritical co2 extraction - diy community?

    20 mpa is about 3ksi. Techincally that is adequate for 1500 psi, but due to possibilities of manufacturing flaws, ASME Section VIII pressure vessel code would require 3X or 4500 psi.
  12. Fadedawg

    supercritical co2 extraction - diy community?

    Which links are down?
  13. Fadedawg

    supercritical co2 extraction - diy community?

    You can do it without a pump, but you can't control the temperature pressure curve to minimize pickup of untargeted elements.
  14. Fadedawg

    supercritical co2 extraction - diy community?

    What pressure are they rated for?
  15. Fadedawg

    supercritical co2 extraction - diy community?

    My bad. I posted a link and then discovered I had already previously done so.
  16. Fadedawg

    Making and cleaning RSO.

    My cat eats my cannabis seedlings, and the squirrels steal my green tomatoes. I had to cage my seedlings and I trapped and relocated five of the squirrels, but more keep coming, so it is a lost cause. I see squirrel jambalaya on the menu next year..................................
  17. Fadedawg

    Making and cleaning RSO.

    Check out Cannabis Home Sciences on Iso: Cannabis Home Sciences - RxCE Home Page
  18. Fadedawg

    Cant get BHO right

    Growing crumble grains is a longer process than simple purging and is typically done over longer periods at lower temperature to promote grain precipitation and growth. I would suggest starting around 85F or so below 10,000 microns/-29.5" Hg. Whipping or stirring continues to break up the...
  19. Fadedawg

    Cant get BHO right

    If it is decarbed, you will never achieve shatter. The process I shared makes shatter or pull and snap, depending on the terpene content of the material. You can dab decarboxylated, it is just low viscosity and sticky.