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  1. Fadedawg

    Cant get BHO right

    Verify your material. Hard and brittle is carboxylic acid state. You will never get there if the material is partially decarboxylated. Have you examined your material under microscope to see what color your trichomes are? Amber will typically be more decarboxylated than clear or cloudy...
  2. Fadedawg

    Cant get BHO right

    Was that extracted with frozen material and butane?
  3. Fadedawg

    Cant get BHO right

    I suggest soaking less time and winterizing it to remove the plant waxes, before boiling off the alcohol. IE, place the alcohol mixture in the freezer for 24 hours to precipitate the waxes and then filter them out using #1 lab filter or coffee filter. Carboxylic acids are hard and brittle, but...
  4. Fadedawg

    QWISO like Rosin QWISO - GrayWolf's Lair (
  5. Fadedawg

    Cant get BHO right

    If you concentrate only muffs up a little, it may be because it is already mostly decarboxylated. Purging at 115F shouldn't take more than a couple hours. As soon as the larger multi sized solvent bubble cease. That is a vibrator that was donated to the project, and the mechanical action...
  6. Fadedawg

    Cant get BHO right

    I tried a soak system and am not a fan, as it appears to pick up more non targeted elements, which as you note lowers the viscosity. Especially if it is allowed to defrost while soaking. Here is my test sled with vibratory assist that I abandoned. We had our best open blast results using a...
  7. Fadedawg

    Cant get BHO right

    How long are you soaking?
  8. Fadedawg

    Cant get BHO right

    I usually use between 100F and 115F for BHO and up to 125F for QWET. It varies with different material. It has been a while since I open blasted, but typically use about three column volumes. What size column are you using? I also freeze my material and chill the butane. What temperature...
  9. Fadedawg

    Cant get BHO right

    Old bud can be partially decarboxylated too and three months old will be. Only the carboxylic acid forms are brittle. Retained solvents, including high terpene content will produce a soft concentrate. I personally prefer pull and snap to shatter. It typically has more residual terpenes. I...
  10. Fadedawg

    Cant get BHO right

    Old trim is more likely to be at least partially decarboxylated and will stay tacky.
  11. Fadedawg

    2/3rds of an ounce of weed WASTED trying to decarb this month.

    The first trick is to recognize the different between solvent bubbles and fizzy CO2 bubbles and the second is to recognize when you hit 70%. The pictures on my site should show the bubble difference, and if you are watching and stirring as you are decarboxylating, you will see a sudden...
  12. Fadedawg

    Particle size for BHO extraction

    According to Clarke in Hashish, the trichomes sizes are: 150 microns – large plant debris 130 microns – very large resin glands 110 microns – large resin glands 90 microns – medium resin glands 70 microns – small resin glands and debris 50 microns – very small debris and little resin...
  13. Fadedawg

    Closes Loop Extractor

    Consider a Mk IV size Terpenator, which can be run passively using dry ice, or actively with a pump. I suggest checking out BVV or Open Source Steel. Closed Loop Extractors | Closed Column Extractors | BVV ( Open Source Steel
  14. Fadedawg

    Theoretically speaking?? Poppy extraction.

    Here is a link ot the Psychedelic Guide to Preparation of the Eucharist posted by Skyhighler on ICM. It should include poppy preparation. (17) The Psychedelic Guide to Preparation of the Eucharist | International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums
  15. Fadedawg

    DIY Hash Tumbler

    I would remove the perforated metal and add stays.
  16. Fadedawg

    Cold trap questions

    Dry ice or LN2 will both work in a cold trap for a rotary vane vacuum pump. Check with your local supplier to see what size Dewars they can supply LN2 in. You want it as close as possible to your usage, as just sitting around it warms up and vents to atmosphere via the dewar PRV. A cold...
  17. Fadedawg

    RSO Never Boiled

    You don't boil the RSO, you only boil off the alcohol. Since a liquid boils at its lowest constituents boiling point, the mixture with isopropyl would boil at around 177F until it reaches the point where the alcohol and mixture form an azeotrope. If you add a small amount of water, it will...
  18. Fadedawg

    What route to go?

    I suggest QWET for the least amount of equipment.
  19. Fadedawg

    Is THCa Federally Legal?

    D-8 THCA isomerized from hemp CBD is proscribed in some locations, but D-9 THCA is how it comes off the plant and is in widespread use worldwide.
  20. Fadedawg

    Green Dragon, couple of questions..

    You can make green dragon from trim, though I recommend brown dragon. 160 proof will extract the concentrates, but will include more water solubles. You can reduce that somewhat if you use QWET for your extraction...