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  1. Fadedawg


  2. Fadedawg


    You warm the lower tank during recovery, while chilling your recovery tank. I used 85F for the collection tank and -30C to -50C for my recovery tank, or 110F on the collection tank and an 32F water ice bath for the recovery tank.
  3. Fadedawg


    Close the pump valve before shutting off the vacuum pump, to avoid back flowing pump oil into your system. Allow to sit for five minutes to check for vacuum decay. The column flooding and subsequent steps should be done outdoors with adequate ventillation, or in an engineered NEMA 7 C1D1...
  4. Fadedawg


    Yes, the one with the JIT flare fitting.
  5. Fadedawg


    No, but some folks run butane/propane mixes. IE: 70% n-Butane and 30% n-Propane. Butane has no head pressure at -50C, which is the temperature we extracted at to avoid non target elements, using a Terpenator or Lil Terp.
  6. Fadedawg


    The Terpenators chilled the LPG before injection, to avoid picking up the plant waxes in the first place, instead of winterizing them out post extraction.
  7. Fadedawg


    Hot water is circulated in the lower tank jacket for recovery purposes. Unless you are running a recovery pump, there is no need to heat during flooding.
  8. Fadedawg


    Without an intimate inspection, I proffer the following: You need a vacuum pump to evacuate the system before introducing LPG. A Terpenator uses a refrigerant recovery pump to reclaim the LPG and a Lil Terp uses dry ice and heat for that purpose. As I don't see a bottom injection port or a...
  9. Fadedawg


    You appear to have a variation on the Terpenator or Lil Terp design. The first is active recovery and the second passive. Did it come with vacuum pump and a recovery pump?
  10. Fadedawg

    Where, oh where is

    Thanks bro! Coming along, but not there yet.......................
  11. Fadedawg

    Where, oh where is

    Check this process out.
  12. Fadedawg

    Where, oh where is

    Sorry I don't have a definitive answer for you, despite a serious effort on my part at one time. I never found any heat conversion that didn't lose more THCA and CBDA, than it produced CBN by a wide margin. I infer that it because the same heat that turns THC/CBD to CBN, also turns existing...
  13. Fadedawg

    What is "THE" best new rig for dabbing rosin?

    I converted my Hashmaster Kut Titanium Skillet to an electric nail. The coil assembly lifts off for passing.
  14. Fadedawg

    Where, oh where is

    Hi ya’ll! My apologies on this dilatory post explaining why all the Graywolfslair links in the various forums no longer work. I was hoping to resolve it before now, but alas that is not to be! The short version is that Vultr had an equipment failure and lost the cloud containing my site, as...
  15. Fadedawg

    Maximum amount of kief I can dissolve into Everclear

    My guess is that it would also work with Iso, but the curve is probably different.
  16. Fadedawg

    Maximum amount of kief I can dissolve into Everclear
  17. Fadedawg

    Maximum amount of kief I can dissolve into Everclear

    Isopropyl is an isomer of propanol and is sometimes referred to as Propanol 2. Methanol is a totally different molecule. You can decarb in a sealed container, but as I've stated before, it is not as accurate as after where you can watch the bubbles. You can also avoid the smell by...
  18. Fadedawg

    Where to go from here(making RSO)?
  19. Fadedawg

    Where to go from here(making RSO)?

    If I'm doing open evaporation in a Pyrex casserole dish, I place bamboo skewers across it and cover it with a towel to keep dust and pet hair out. The skewers keep the towel from sagging into the concentrate.
  20. Fadedawg

    Where to go from here(making RSO)?

    May I clarify what you mean by RSO? Originally RSO was oil extracted using Rick Simpson's technique, which was a naphtha extraction, reduced in a rice cooker, and taken orally. He added Isopropyl extraction later, but not ethanol, so I'm going to call your cold ethanol extraction a Quick Wash...