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  1. Fadedawg

    RSO advice needed.

    You can pull -28.5" Hg vacuum using a faucet aspirator pump to save money on the pump part.
  2. Fadedawg

    Purest butane with least amount of impurities?

    Yeah, they've been a good vendor for me and the customers that I sold equipment to. I prefer ethanol for extraction and winterization, using QWET below -50C. I get the lower temperatures using either dry ice or LN2. Thanks for the good thoughts and appreciation, but as you know, you can't...
  3. Fadedawg

    Purest butane with least amount of impurities?

    They are part of a closed loop system. The solvent passes through the heat exchanger on the way from the storage tank and the column of material. There are also heat exchangers on the recovery side to lower the temperature of the stream for passive recovery or for pump exhaust.
  4. Fadedawg

    RSO advice needed.

    What is your end use?
  5. Fadedawg

    RSO advice needed.

    Thats a Erlenmeyer vacuum flask with a Buchner vacuum filter funnel, using a #1 Lab filter.
  6. Fadedawg

    RSO advice needed.

    When I heated up hot pressed rosin, it still fizzed from CO2 release, so it wasn't fully decarboxylated. If you look at the decarboxylation curve for THC, you will note that decarboxylation is not instantaneous at temperature...
  7. Fadedawg

    RSO purification and techniques C-55...
  8. Fadedawg

    Purest butane with least amount of impurities?

    I purchase the 70/30 mix. I've used either dry ice and alcohol or LN2 to lower the temperature as I pass the LPG through either an emersion or a counter flow heat exchanger.
  9. Fadedawg

    PSI on a Chinese Guage?

    And now I don't get it either considering the faceplate. 580 KN is not equal to 100 MPa.
  10. Fadedawg

    PSI on a Chinese Guage?

    The gauge is in kilonewtons. Here is a KN to PSI converter link:
  11. Fadedawg

    rec me an extraction setup

    If you are going to extract indoors, you will also need an engineered NEMA 7, C1D1 facility.
  12. Fadedawg

    rec me an extraction setup

    Some background for perspective: Unfortunately, because I build my own, I have limited experience testing others equipment, but lots of experience building and certifying equipment...
  13. Fadedawg

    Purest butane with least amount of impurities?

    Locally I get it from Apis Labs in Eugene, OR, who delivers and ships. My local contact is Jay Romano @ [email protected].
  14. Fadedawg

    rec me an extraction setup

    Easy to build your own and quite a range in design and prices to purchase. How much volume will you be running and what is your budget?
  15. Fadedawg

    rec me an extraction setup

    To yield a traditional "Live Resin" extract rife with terpenes, you will need to use a low boiling point nonpolar solvent like butane/propane. You can do it with a simple column but consider picking up a closed loop system for safety and to enable yourself to first distill out the Mystery oil...
  16. Fadedawg

    Winterize BHO in e-NRG bioethanol?

    Kool! Looks good!
  17. Fadedawg

    Making use of sugar leaves

    And back to the original question, may we talk about yield? Even if you do use dry sieve or bubble techniques, you can't come close to harvesting the full potential without picking up excess plant material, sooooo unless you are willing to throw that semi-spent material away, you still need a...
  18. Fadedawg

    Purest butane with least amount of impurities?

    I prefer 99.95% pure Instrument Grade and when I measured it I found it to be 99.99% pure. After predistillation it measured 99.998% pure with regard to molecules greater than C-4. Typically a 70:30 mix of n-Butane and n-Propane to extract below -50C, though we've used 50:50 mixes, and mixes...
  19. Fadedawg

    Purest butane with least amount of impurities?

    Because Graywolf wasn't available when I opened my account here back in the hoary days of yore.