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  1. budsfordayz

    Why is one of my bud crunchy and dry?

    Put a bag over it and then chop it. Any moving around and the spores will Spread. Pay more attention to yellowing top leaves in the future. Edit: stem rot starts at the base of the plant And is caused by stagnant water. Bud rot or botrytis starts within the stem and moves out as it infects the...
  2. budsfordayz

    Seed supreme

    The government isn't actually loosing money. Why people fail to realize is that 50 million dollar loss in the cannabis industries first year is nothing especially for our billion dollar gov. Look at the debt of canopy, aurora, hexo and compare it to the 50 mil ontario lost. What they are doing...
  3. budsfordayz

    Seed supreme

    Hey bud I'm canadian too! What genetics are you looking for Specifically? Iv had great luck buying direct from spain companies. 5/5 orders received. Dinafem and ripper that is. Also buy from jinxproof in the usa always got my stuff. Edit : opps thought u were op lmao
  4. budsfordayz

    Seed supreme

    Do you know if this one is legit? Tryna scoop up some jungle Boys from them
  5. budsfordayz

    So whats a MAGAs excuse for believing Trump won?

    U better flush with ro water after every feed cause those tears will be salty. Maybe even some javax/bleach in them.
  6. budsfordayz

    So whats a MAGAs excuse for believing Trump won?

    What my relative said definitely bullshit. My story is 100% a true excuse of a maga .
  7. budsfordayz

    So whats a MAGAs excuse for believing Trump won?

    On a thread devoted to it? I think im good bro. Why don't u go actually grow something? Big ole stoner politician.
  8. budsfordayz

    So whats a MAGAs excuse for believing Trump won?

    You have a great point . Sounds like advice id be stupid not to take lol !
  9. budsfordayz

    So whats a MAGAs excuse for believing Trump won?

    Ur right it would be the same thing if the title of the thread wasn't asking people to share excuse they've heard. Nice try tho lol
  10. budsfordayz

    So whats a MAGAs excuse for believing Trump won?

    Never said i believed them or agreed . Think i made that pretty clear in my psa lmao.
  11. budsfordayz

    So whats a MAGAs excuse for believing Trump won?

    Look at the post above urs im being called a moron. I think anyone whos not borderline dyslexic can tell im simply repeating what maga people have said to me. How could a story be bullshit if its repeating what a brainless fool Of a relative said? Lmfao. Maybe he thinks they never said that to...
  12. budsfordayz

    So whats a MAGAs excuse for believing Trump won?

    Could be maybe there just misunderstood rednecks lmfao they do have extremly fed up views sometimes. By dont @ me i ment im just literally writing why my relatives think its rigged. I dont share their views so dont come at me freaking out like some have. Cause i really don't care and i know the...
  13. budsfordayz

    So whats a MAGAs excuse for believing Trump won?

    Simply means im repeating what people have told me. Never said the election was fraudulent so dont come at me with ir panties in a bunch. Exactly what ur doing fool.
  14. budsfordayz

    So whats a MAGAs excuse for believing Trump won?

    Hey man maybe i dont go to the states often and when i do definatley don't bring up politics lmao
  15. budsfordayz

    So whats a MAGAs excuse for believing Trump won?

    Relative of mine lives in florida got 12 ballots sent to her parents house in Newyork. What inwas told: There is no way to verify Mail in ballots like absentee ballots because they don't have anything unique about them.( no seal or code) She could have voted 12 times if she wanted to and shes...
  16. budsfordayz

    BK’s shit show

    Got 6 goin at about day 7 flower in the 4x4 and 3 smaller guys still veggin in the 4x2. This is my first run with the buckets really impressed so far. Wish i had more headroom Tho thats the next upgrade.
  17. budsfordayz

    BK’s shit show

    Hey canadian bro ! Nice work here ...i have the same setup. Amazing how big the plants get in 3 gals ehh?
  18. budsfordayz

    Plants wilting after LED installed

    As of right now I'm noticing some colour coming back. The candy store and triple og In front seem to be shooting up now. Think the ph adjustment and plain water worked. yea I was wrong they were definitely locked the fuck up I just never seen it before. I was stuck on the leds cause it...
  19. budsfordayz

    Plants wilting after LED installed

    Plants were never overwatered tho. In fact problem started when medium was dry right after lights were installed. I only flushed after the problems began And ran 2 gals of fresh phed water through each 5 gal pot nothing to crazy. Ph came of runoff came out at 5.5 went in at 6.2...Also a locked...
  20. budsfordayz

    Plants wilting after LED installed

    i started at 100... went to 75% and now im at 50. It isn't really producing much of a difference when i dim the lights. Im feeding at 50% recommended dosage like I always do for indoor/outdoor crops (except 2ml calimagic). Im thinking after these dry from The flush ill give them 100% recommended...