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  1. TheSpaceFarm

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    Gotta pass out. Hopefully the bastard seeds get here before i go to work at 2 so i can get em soak em while I'm at work... Idk when the mail comes at the new place tho lol
  2. TheSpaceFarm

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    If theres a wrong time to be excited about this then I'm there every time cuz im stoked about this all the damn time lol
  3. TheSpaceFarm

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    Damn i been moving for 2 days and get hella behind on the thread. Good thing it was all petty ass bitch arguments and nothing important. Just scroll through and only stop to read heisens posts. Bastard beans will be here tomorrow and those bitches are getting popped asap.
  4. TheSpaceFarm

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    Got that one too. Man I can't wait.
  5. TheSpaceFarm

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    Thank you dude! I really appreciate all your hard work. Im sure that goes for a lot of us here.
  6. TheSpaceFarm

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    I'm just fucking around talking shit, don't take me seriously
  7. TheSpaceFarm

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    And let the shots fire lol
  8. TheSpaceFarm

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    Smoking weed doesn't make you stupid. Thats a pre-existing condition.
  9. TheSpaceFarm

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    I dont get why most of you are so confused. It's really not that hard to understand what's going on here.
  10. TheSpaceFarm

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    The preorder isn't going to affect anyone on the list. The beans that have gone out were bastard beans won in contests.
  11. TheSpaceFarm

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    Super stoked for this pre-order. Im having a hell of a time trying to decide what to get tho lol.
  12. TheSpaceFarm

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    Word I'm sure a lot of them are already kicking themselves. And now you already got some bastard seeds going out to people so its very real. Fuck em. But yea dude i feel you on the illegal struggle. I was growing in indiana and chicago 10 years ago and i wouldn't dare post on a forum. I've been...
  13. TheSpaceFarm

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    Let the haters hate. It's not gonna change shit. Then after a few months and everyone starts posting the pictures they're gonna feel real dumb. Heisen is doing exactly what he said he was gonna do and he's doing what we all wish breeders would have been doing from the start. Let the seeds speak...
  14. TheSpaceFarm

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    Holy shit that made me laugh so hard I had an athsma attack
  15. TheSpaceFarm

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    When i was in prison i had the pleasure of beating a chomo into a coma with a sock full of dominos. No blood eagle or longest walk but it was satisfactory lol
  16. TheSpaceFarm

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    I've been saying that for a long time. Kid fuckers and rapists and shit would think twice before doing that filthy shit.
  17. TheSpaceFarm

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    Yea dude the vikings were hardcore. My family tree goes back to a few of the nordic countries. I'm really into that shit lol
  18. TheSpaceFarm

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    Yea man Im always down for pictures lol. But you're not wrong dude. Very dark places lol
  19. TheSpaceFarm

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    I guess I'm a sick fuck too lol the blood eagle is some hardcore shit yo
  20. TheSpaceFarm

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    That's pretty strange, I didnt see what was said until i posted that lol