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  1. J

    Do the tops of colas go more light green when there beginning to flower or it that a hint to feed them?

    I probably will start taking clones to flower after I’m abit more experienced and better kit, tbh I probably but it into flower abit early so maybe that’s probably why it’s taking so long
  2. J

    Do the tops of colas go more light green when there beginning to flower or it that a hint to feed them?

    I know man :( but yeah I’ve got a few.. You know what I meant by male and female looking?
  3. J

    Do the tops of colas go more light green when there beginning to flower or it that a hint to feed them?

    Ahh ok it’s just cos this is the only plant I’ve got going but got some fem seeds so just wanna know if it’s male or not lol to me it’s showing male and female pre pre flowers so could be a herm fuck knows but it’s driving me crazy lol :wall:
  4. J

    Do the tops of colas go more light green when there beginning to flower or it that a hint to feed them?

    Thanks crazy how quick that happens last night they where all dark green, how long will it take to show the sex the( pre) pre flowers are there but there not getting any bigger or showing signs, been 6 days now
  5. J

    First grow are these female preflowers?

    Tbh I just stuck the seed in soil thinking it’ll never come out but it did haha but I grew one about 10 years ago and ended up a female guess I just felt like it’d be that easy again lol I’ll be gutted but at least I’ll have the right kit for the feminised seeds now
  6. J

    First grow are these female preflowers?

    Same plant yeah and nope was just a bag seed but got some sour diesel germinating as we speak :blsmoke: you reckon it could be a herm?
  7. J

    First grow are these female preflowers?

    I think these are female too but then I have got preflowers that are looking male too, this is from a couple of days ago they still look the same more or less
  8. J

    First grow are these female preflowers?

    The plant is giving off a proper cannabis smell to it too, do males give off the same scent?
  9. J

    Male or female preflowers?

    Will do thanks, could be a hermie I guess :oIt’s growing at about 1mm a day getting impatient man lol
  10. J

    Male or female preflowers?

    I do think it looks male too from the examples I’ve found, you not think the preflower on the other side looks female tho?
  11. J

    First grow??? Dealing with temps and humidity in a attic can I get away with these figures?

    Ok thanks but whatever it is I’m not gonna be touchin it now lol just gonna get an air conditioner on a digital thermostat for when the heat comes :blsmoke:
  12. J

    First grow??? Dealing with temps and humidity in a attic can I get away with these figures?

    Literally never knew that thanks and yeah you may have or more than one lol
  13. J

    First grow??? Dealing with temps and humidity in a attic can I get away with these figures?

    Oh right would that be like a pipe to let the co2 out then? I thought someone might of had a grow up here before haha
  14. J

    First grow??? Dealing with temps and humidity in a attic can I get away with these figures?

    The link won’t work but tried looking for what you might mean and came across this, think it’ll be any good or too hot?
  15. J

    First grow??? Dealing with temps and humidity in a attic can I get away with these figures?

    I don’t have Walmart in my country but tbh I wouldn’t want to risk putting anything that could possibly set a fire in the small space I have the heater would be a maximum of 6’’ away from something. Looks like I’ll have to make a bigger grow space to do that
  16. J

    First grow??? Dealing with temps and humidity in a attic can I get away with these figures?

    There’s actually a pipe in the attic that is attached to nothing and runs up into the roof outside, I have no idea what it is there for but if that is what I think it is if I attached that up to my grow space and put a small fan in it to extract the air out would that lower the temperature in...