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  1. C

    Nitrogen d

    Do the leaves look like nitrogen deficiency also or from the mites?
  2. C

    Spider mites entrance

    Can I take the packet out after 24hr+they are all out? Do they need housing, where I bought the mites they sell little boxs for homes ??lol
  3. C

    Spider mites entrance

    Definitely a big inprovmemt today winning. Yes will buy more, was worried if there was too many they would starve.
  4. C

    Neoseiulvs californicus

    Yes did see them here and there plants are rebounding it seeming to work.24hr
  5. C

    Spider mites entrance

    On the plant in the middle what's the wrinkling on the fan leaves that's not from mites?
  6. C

    Spider mites entrance

    Put the predator mites in 24hr ago looks worse now.100 per pack and eat 6 spider mites a day,maybe should have doubled up.Dont really want to spray there are more aggressive predator mites but these I can get local.Also put diatomaceous at the intake and various places will do merv11 fiber as a...
  7. C

    Spider mites entrance

    Battling spider mites with predator mites.Anyways wondering how I got them in the tent .Running a 5000btu window ac ducted to the tent nodought that's how I got them?Ac in the window is well sealed thinking on rigging a hepa filter somewhere on the intake vent.Do home tent growers bother to do this?
  8. C

    Neoseiulvs californicus

    Just had time to place them will check tomorrow.Think the bottom left is done will be surprised if it works.Seen pics of the two mites fighting fairly funny.
  9. C

    Neoseiulvs californicus

    Put up 4 packs I was assured 1 per plant was good.Seen the bad mites 3 days ago, will look tomorrow for the calvary hope they have a plan.
  10. C

    Neoseiulvs californicus

    Yes it's the Californicus that's all I could get local and 1.25cdn per packet. I live in edmonton alberta I was amazed I could get it here.
  11. C

    Neoseiulvs californicus

    They are white widow autos , funny how 2 are low bushier and 2 taller the 4 have LST going on.Then the runt, part of the seed stuck on it couldn't develop one of the first leaf but its growing.
  12. C

    Neoseiulvs californicus

    Has anyone have any experience with koppert predator mites?Just put in a few hope it works.
  13. C

    Something wrong with my plant

    I am a noob myself but I think you have to flush the hell out of it with phed water. Hopefully someone the really knows will chime in.
  14. C

    Nutrient burn?

    Went with neoseiulvs californicus, tent is 86f 60RH co2 950ppm let the slaughter begin!
  15. C

    Nutrient burn?

    I only have access to Safers and doktor doom, sould I cutoff the very bad leaves?
  16. C

    Nutrient burn?

    Have been researching like crazy. Going to use something tomorrow probably safers the end that's what I can get.
  17. C

    Nutrient burn?

    Yes got these basterds
  18. C

    Nutrient burn?

    I found the buggers.What are they mites and what's the best (safest) way to get rid of them?
  19. C

    Nutrient burn?

    Yes I am waiting for the Amazon usb microscope will be here today thanks for the info.
  20. C

    Nutrient burn?

    Have a ubs microscope comming today, what treatment would you recommend is the alcohol water one any good?