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  1. HOTBFarms

    Need help with PID tuning

    Hello everyone, A buddy of mine bought an ez squeeze back in the day and gave it to me since he doesn’t use it. I’ve used it a couple of times and noticed that the sv doesn’t match the pv. If I set it to 170F it stays around 179F-181F. Is there a way to factory reset? Or how do I go about...
  2. HOTBFarms

    Growers Choice ROI-E680 or 2 Spider Farmer SF 2000 for 5x5 tent and best light spread?

    I still haven't pulled the trigger, now I'm looking at the growcraft x5 and optic slim 600h. Does anyone have china alternative to these lights?
  3. HOTBFarms

    Growers Choice ROI-E680 or 2 Spider Farmer SF 2000 for 5x5 tent and best light spread?

    I am definitely open, I was looking at the scorpion as well but I feel like it loses too much light intensity towards the corners, which other led bar designs seem to get pretty well. Still new to leds so don’t wanna pull the trigger on something that I’ll regret in a year
  4. HOTBFarms

    Growers Choice ROI-E680 or 2 Spider Farmer SF 2000 for 5x5 tent and best light spread?

    I’m in the US and would prefer to buy it pre built but can definitely do it myself if need be. Budget is ideally 800-1000$
  5. HOTBFarms

    Growers Choice ROI-E680 or 2 Spider Farmer SF 2000 for 5x5 tent and best light spread?

    I was thinking about 2 SF2000 instead of 1 SF4000 in order to spread the light more evenly.
  6. HOTBFarms

    Hey brother new to this forum and I see your vast knowledge on LED lights and the game. Is there...

    Hey brother new to this forum and I see your vast knowledge on LED lights and the game. Is there an alibaba version of the Growers Choice ROI-E680 that you feel comfortable purchasing? If so, please hit me up with a link. Hope all is well your way, HOTB Farms