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  1. floravita

    Coco coir, remo nutrients and led.

    Awesome thanks for the words rogue, me myself i got the curiosity of playing with watering now... and see how they respond... and now with the sensor i can get a look on acctually what works or dont... and all that with parameters , for instance like how they behave feeding more vegetative then...
  2. floravita

    Coco coir, remo nutrients and led.

    Im interested = ) ! Nice ... wich size pots are u using... can u give a run down your op... Next run this is what i ll do . From clone to 2 liters pot... for around 14 days 5 irrigations a day , starting with less of course. then i ll transplant to 6 liters pot , keep then in the same...
  3. floravita

    Coco coir, remo nutrients and led.

    Aaa ok got it . i ll bump it showly and see where that goes next run... clones are looking nice perking up. YEP , i was also amazed about the numbers... until seeing some friends kickng ass with it so it got my eyes . I like where u going with this talk... thanks :bigjoint:. Maybe i didnt run...
  4. floravita

    Coco coir, remo nutrients and led.

    Well i guess i ll just have to try right , i wont argue ehehe ur not being a dick i respect that ... i will just do it . but i know it aint the easyest... but it aint rocket science with a proper sensor. But for sure i ll be giving cubes a go to , they retain more water and less of a problem...
  5. floravita

    Coco coir, remo nutrients and led.

    Coundt have said better myself... im with you on your toughts.... by experience u see when u pump those irrigation events plants blow up... and thats exacly what im trying to achive.... more oxigen , new and more balanced solution.... or i would just stick with soil and hand watering .What i...
  6. floravita

    Coco coir, remo nutrients and led.

    He there , thanks for the inputs... i bet they are 10 gallons pot its quite a pot, here im at 1.5 gallons at the most , but like grobags says , im using drippers and cropsteering... its possible to go up to 10 ec feeding all the way tru with 2 / 2.5. thats what im trying to do at the moment...
  7. floravita

    Coco coir, remo nutrients and led.

    I,ll lower that next feed im about to make another res , but yeah for sure its that low because of the nutes thats my 2 cents to... and also start when they stayed at verylow water content , taking that ec pretty high.... and u are rigth feed ec 2 now, ec inside the media 5-6 ... wich is ok...
  8. floravita

    Coco coir, remo nutrients and led.

    Yep im on top of it now ! Ec is at 2 Hey brother , may i ask why u think its a good idea to ditch the co2 ? yep sensor is calibrated right , the ec now is at 2 . apart from the sensor im checking runoff ph ec and volume. Why am i asking about co2... cause without it i was hitting numbers pretty...
  9. floravita

    Coco coir, remo nutrients and led.

    I think you r good still , they can get quite a size in these pots.... look out for not drying it sooo much .
  10. floravita

    Coco coir, remo nutrients and led.

    Will be on top of that , they are definately getting more runoff !! Awesome thanks for the inputs , my pots are drying back aroung 10% with ligths off give or take , my last irrigation kicks in 1 hour before lights go off taking the pots to full saturation wich is around 35 to 45% WC ...i...
  11. floravita

    Coco coir, remo nutrients and led.

    Hey brother , thanks for the input... in the dry week that i wrote here for sure all this happened little to no runoff and huge drybacks ( my bad ) , now they are at about 20% runoff im folllowing day by day , and for sure the runoff its not soaking in back but hey been there :fire:, now they...
  12. floravita

    Coco coir, remo nutrients and led.

    These are clones for the next round , and the moms... they are living a happy life :weed: Hey brother hope i didnt came out as a technical bll#% kind of guy wich im not i do my studies for sure but u know... , im just trying to wrap my head around this and by the looks of it u can tell im no...
  13. floravita

    Coco coir, remo nutrients and led.

    Hy there brother.... pot sizes can be a bit trick, but i ussualy see people not going over 2 gallons for proper cropsteering in order to have good control of drybacks... to big of a pot and u ll need a big grow space cause they will blowup and become huge, my mistake with this pot was that i...
  14. floravita

    Coco coir, remo nutrients and led.

    I ll cut it back today and check accordinly , but in the last run with lower EC i ran into trouble also. Hy there , for sure that dry week didnt do then any good , 1.4 Ec for me its just to low for LED with co2 and VPD running good i run my tent in the hotter side of things 28c they drink up...
  15. floravita

    Coco coir, remo nutrients and led.

    The irrigation events are barely keeping up with the plants as in , they are below what i would want for the stage i i would want then above 35 % WC. My irrigation events were off.. and they went tru a week of hugeee drybacks and they burned a little at that week. PH of run off is at 5.4...
  16. floravita

    Coco coir, remo nutrients and led.

    Hy there thanks for the words , Im running now at 2.5 EC running the whole line. they had a spike in ec due to drying back to hard.
  17. floravita

    Coco coir, remo nutrients and led.

    Hy there , so here is my grow i do it in 5x5 tent . now im at 6 plants per tent. im having problems at about week 4-5 in the leds... for the last runs and dont seem to get my head around it . they got a little nute burn... but all the others runs didnt had and still showed the same...