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  1. Greenthumblady

    Detection by helicopter

    Yes! My friend once had a cop knock at her door (after creeping around her basement windows) asking about power use and chilled out once she showed him her fish tanks! And she mentioned that the week before she swore she heard helicopters.... So electricity is likely just one of the tools they...
  2. Greenthumblady

    Detection by helicopter

    Wouldn't the electricity use be a big tip off? I know they look for that here in Canada. Why is this house/shed pulling three times the electricity that its neighbours use? I would think that trying to keep the temp down will be a better idea that trying to mask the heat. Choosing the right...
  3. Greenthumblady

    Leaves are yellowing :(

    Totally right! I just gave this as an example to lead him to research canabis nutrients and really understand their roles and the lifecycle of the great pot plant. Once he knows that, deciding on which nute line or organic amendments to go with is easier and makes a lot more sense. :leaf:
  4. Greenthumblady

    Leaves are yellowing :(

    Hard to tell. I've never come across them myself. Literally google or do a search on this site for common pests and see if you can find it in the multitude of sites that will have pictures etc. Any big damage from them? Check out -
  5. Greenthumblady

    Bruce Banner Auto

    June 7 Mini-update Plant #1 :leaf: Still looking fantastic! I accidentally dropped something on her yesterday so dont mind the tape job on one of her branches. I had released the lst to encourage a bit more stretching but have tied her back down. She's become so wide and bushy I had to...
  6. Greenthumblady

    Need some mentoring please: First time grow for experienced gardener

    You'll probably find a bottle of cal mag at your local grow shop for cheaper to be honest and then you get magnesium and calcium. if needed.
  7. Greenthumblady

    Need some mentoring please: First time grow for experienced gardener

    You can find epsom salts at any shoppers drug mart for example. They're also used for relaxing baths so make sure to get one without extra scents. Re: revegging do your research about hours needed to induce flower in photoperiod plants. If you're in Ontario they're not gonna start flowering...
  8. Greenthumblady

    Leaves are yellowing :(

    Pretty much. Do a bit of research on veg nutes vs bloom nutes. They're different NPK values bc the needs of the plant change as it focuses on different things. Having a good understanding of NPK is super helpful. Good place to start:
  9. Greenthumblady

    My Covert Covid Cannibis Closet

    Its MOST important during flower but if possible do it asap. Light leaks cause stress which often results in the plant hermie-ing. So best to get the setup 100% right away to give yourself the best shot of a successful harvest. Also to help w humidity clean up that space under the plants. It's...
  10. Greenthumblady

    Sprouted seed stopped growing after transplanting to soil

    You could even cut the bottom off that cup and put it in another cup with more soil (and holes at the bottom) to give it more room for the tap root without having to put it thru a transplant.
  11. Greenthumblady

    Sprouted seed stopped growing after transplanting to soil

    A) styrofoam is killing our planet. Please try to find sustainable or recyclable options... like a FULL solo cup B) Do research BEFORE popping a seed in some dirt. You need light airy soil and dont want to over water. This is the #1 rookie mistake. C) For the plant that's still alive make sure...
  12. Greenthumblady

    Seedlings drooping over and dying

    Both of those work well for direct planting so give it a try. A solo cup really is a growers best friend. Outside is fine so long as you baby them and keep them out of direct intense sun. Best to start inside then "harden off" after a couple weeks. That's just a way of saying slowly get it used...
  13. Greenthumblady

    My Covert Covid Cannibis Closet

    Looks good! The outtake fan may have benefitted from being a bit higher but shouldn't be a problem if you aren't getting super high temps. Just make sure there are zero light leaks at night. Go into the area and make sure its pitch black since it's not closed off.
  14. Greenthumblady

    Seedlings drooping over and dying

    What medium are you planning to use?
  15. Greenthumblady

    Leaves are yellowing :(

    I'm noticing a bit time claw usually indicating too much nitrogen (tips curling down). I would cut back on any nutes that high high N while keeping up the cal mag. At this stage it doesnt really need N as much as heavy P. So bloom vs grow nutes. Hopefully you'll see a stop of the spread on the...
  16. Greenthumblady

    Leaves are yellowing :(

    What's the status? Have you fed with calmag or epsom salts? What was the result? Updated pictures?
  17. Greenthumblady

    Bruce Banner Auto

    Update 8: June 5 44 days from sprout Week 1 of flower I released the tie downs a couple days ago (other than the main stem) to let it gain some height and let the plant do its thing for a bit. Will tie back down next week while still in stretch.
  18. Greenthumblady

    Leaves are yellowing :(

    Chill. We're all stoners here. Were supposed to be more peaceful and at one with one another than the average ass hat. Dont be that guy.
  19. Greenthumblady

    Train Wreck Auto

    Congrats! Mmm enough to share? :joint:
  20. Greenthumblady

    First Time Grower Emergency

    What was the timeline of them going outside. Very possible it could be the high temps or strong sun. Especially if they had just recently been put outside. Has it stopped with reduced temps? Could also be phosphorus. And if it is, we would need to know about your grow situation like @Renfro said