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  1. A_String

    Buds stopped growing

  2. A_String

    Buds stopped growing

    Okay...there doesn't seem to be any further growth but if it's switched over to fattening up the buds, that's fine. What IS troubling is there is practically no smell. It's stopped smelling shortly after it stopped growing. Everything looks healthy. Foliage looks good. Flowers are still...
  3. A_String

    Buds stopped growing

    ...and, as usual, thank you SOOO much for all the help this forum has given me. I can't wait to smoke my first bowl from my own plant!
  4. A_String

    Buds stopped growing

    I need that! I have no idea what I'm doing. lol. I THINK, once the trichomes turn cloudy, I'm supposed to pull the plant out and hang it upside down for about two weeks, to dry. Then, Cut off the buds and put them into jars for another 2 weeks, burping the jar every day. Is that close or am...
  5. A_String

    Buds stopped growing

    Thanks for the quick reply, guys! After losing the first two, I'm nervous! Okay figure 6 more weeks of grow (Give or take), before I pull it and hang it?
  6. A_String

    Buds stopped growing

    So..This is my very first successful grow (Lost a plant to bugs and a second to hydroponic root rot. Neither made it to flower.) I'm back in soil now (Cause it's what I know best). However, I noticed that my buds have stopped growing. It will have been 6 week on Friday that I switched to...
  7. A_String

    Another "sexing" thread

    Perfect! Thanks!
  8. A_String

    Another "sexing" thread

    Thanks for the help guys (I know you probably do a TON of these)! I'm fairly sure the top one is a male. it looks like little groupings of beach balls. lol.
  9. A_String

    Another "sexing" thread

    Sorry to do this, but I'm new and want to be 100% sure before killing anything. These are shots of the two plants I have. Is one a male and one a female?
  10. A_String

    Different leaf parts from same strain

    Thanks, guys! I'm hoping to have better luck. To date, I've never gotten past the start of flowering (tiny little buds). First plant was in soil. I lost it to flies, so I switched to DWC. Lost the second plant, in the DWC, to root rot (temp was WAY to high for hydro), started a second one...
  11. A_String

    Different leaf parts from same strain

    So...I have two plants. One gave me trouble and I thought it was going to die. After two months, it suddenly started growing. During those two months, I started the second plant. The one on the left is about 2.5 months old and the one on the right is about 3.5 weeks old. The strange thing...
  12. A_String

    How long before I can tell if plant is male or female?

    I never thought of cloning. Where do I clip them, to do that?
  13. A_String

    How long before I can tell if plant is male or female?

    I just switched the small guy over from DWC to soil and recently planted the big guy. (I had major issues with heat that I can't afford to deal with right now so back to soil for me...for now.) Small one is about a month and a half old (LONG story), and the bigger one on the right is about two...
  14. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    Thanks, man. I'd still like to try DWC, in the future, once things go back to normal.
  15. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    Couldn't find pool shock and, with the whole COVID thing, bleach and Peroxide are pretty much non-existent. So...I've moved her into soil. I still want to do the whole DWC thing (I'm a bit of a science guy and I love the science behind it)...I just will have to wait until this all blows over.
  16. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    Usually hitting between 75-80. My last plant got as far as the flowering stage and then the slime killed it off before I knew what was going on. So..until I can buy some pool shock, I will just grow this one in soil.
  17. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    Will look into it, for sure! Well, my plans to use the DWC fell through. I opened up the unit to do a water change before adding the plant and the hose was covered in brown slime. This was all new stuff, black hose, water was sanitized with hydrogen Peroxide, no light leaks. Only thing I can...
  18. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    Thanks, man! Moving her, today!
  19. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    I sure hope so! lol. I just have to get up the nerve to switch her over to DWC.
  20. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    So...this is almost two months for the one on the left and JUST over a week for the one on the right: