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    Info, from a card holder in ilinois

    i live 8 miles from il, I would like to find someone in il, to chat with. About the process , and rules about getting a card
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    how to make vape juice edible

    Hi all, I searched the threads and could not find anything. So I'm asking here. I have vape cartridges , and I want to take the juice and mix it with coconut oil, and heat it, so I can use it like a edible. But I don't want to mess it up, so I need to know how much to heat it. Any help, or ideas...
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    How much THC oil , gets you high

    i never smoked cannibus, but they were taking my meds away , ended up with withdraw, because my pain managent dr, dropped me down so fast. So I got some gummies that had 25 mg in each gummie, I ate 2 gummies and it messed me up. And I slept for the first time in three days. I started vaping THC...
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    What is the best humidity for my plants

    hi all , I'm new to this. I hear a lot of different things are best for plants. But I do not know what to keep the humidity at. Plants are 21 days old and have 5 noids. And look great so far. I want to keep it that way. Thanks for any info.
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    Yellow spots, on leaves, help please

    I made sure I did not get any liquid on the plants, thanks
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    Yellow spots, on leaves, help please

    Ok, I bought a moisture meter, and a soil ph meter. Tested them and they were both in range. I bought some fox farms , big bloom, I feed them some a few min ago. Changed where my fan was to a better place. The humidy is at 49 and the temp is at 77 with lights on, 70 when off. I will have to see...
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    Yellow spots, on leaves, help please

    0.5 ec ? Sorry new at this
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    Yellow spots, on leaves, help please

    What do you mean by , don't splash them? Sorry I don't know what that means.
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    Yellow spots, on leaves, help please

    1 i checked out my plants and noticed small yellow spots , 14th day. Using fox farms potting soil. I'm new to growing and need some help. Thanks
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    feeding young plants episons salt?

    I will take a pic of them and post them later. They are in one gal pots. And using fox farms potting soil
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    feeding young plants episons salt?

    Thanks for all the great replys,
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    feeding young plants episons salt?

    I'm new to all this, and I have a question. But first, plants are 14 days old, about 4" tall and look good, they are in potting soil. My son keeps telling me to feed them episons salt. Now the potting soil has nutrients in it, and was told should last 3 weeks. So is my son right about adding...
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    Welcome New Members!

    Hi all, just joined, been reading a lot of the great info. I want to thank everyone that post there info on this site. It really helps us new guys. I look forward to getting to know everyone, thanks again, jim