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  1. UndyToke

    Looking for advice. Do you think they are over or underfed? Would you chop?

    This one is actually quite evident to my eye, which is why I replied, but hey everybody needs to do their own research. You don't need to see exact EC or how often it was fed to see the burn pattern and correlate it to the other symptoms mentioned as well as seeing where the plant is at in its...
  2. UndyToke

    Looking for advice. Do you think they are over or underfed? Would you chop?

    Nute burn doesn't start from the serated edges, it starts from the tip and does not only happen on spots near the light. Dark green and leaf deformation are also symptoms of K deficiency, they're often symptoms confused with other ailments and sometimes yes they mean N excess, but you know it...
  3. UndyToke

    Looking for advice. Do you think they are over or underfed? Would you chop?

    Looks like Potassium deficiency. The dark green starting from the bottom of the plant going up, the burn happening from the edges of the leaf, the time it is at in flower, the amount of K you give is very little for a big plant like that in full flowering and your plant is foxtailing hard to...
  4. UndyToke

    First grow please help

    When I first ran DWC I used to cut nutes 1 week prior to harvest... but I think I could have gotten away with flushing 2 weeks prior to harvest, either way I didn't feel it made much of a difference. But by the end I decided to switch my feeding to organics once my root mass was enough for...
  5. UndyToke

    Brown spots within 24 hrs

    Your micro mainly contains Calcium Nitrate (both Cal and N in one), so you have to be careful about cutting it since it is also your source of Calcium. I suggest getting come Calcium Chloride and Magnesium sulfate so you can supply the plant with cal-mag without overdoing Nitrogen. (Calcium...
  6. UndyToke

    Brown spots within 24 hrs

    Yep, Calcium, Potassium definitely... I wouldn't go 3 weeks in hydro without changing my reservoir, sometimes it can work but my plants always liked it better when I changed it weekly. Just adding nutes makes the ratio of Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium to be out of wack and nutrient uptake...
  7. UndyToke

    Do I need distilled water to germinate seeds

    I used to germinate them in a wet paper in a ziploc bag, but now I prefer just to plant the seeds directly into the growing medium. There is bacteria beneficial to the growth of the plant in the seed and I assume germinating it in the place it will grow is beneficial to this microbial life and...
  8. UndyToke

    Spary Or Not

    Make sure you keep top soil dry, have fans pointing at the soil if needed, fungus gnats cannot fly well in the air and won't be able to live where there is constant wind. You can also add diatomaceous earth to your top soil, silica containing ingredients are useful against gnat larva, seaweed...
  9. UndyToke

    First grow please help

    Is that the real color of your plant or is it under a blurple light? To me it looks like your plant is both hungry for nutes and light, as well as too high in nitrogen. There might be a nutrient lockout in your mix, you need to be careful with cal-mag as it often comes with Nitrogen. What pH do...
  10. UndyToke

    Should I wash?

    I meant to say bicarbonate actually. Baking soda. Also here is more about bacillus and diseases :
  11. UndyToke

    Should I wash?

    You can spray your foliage twice daily with a solution of Bacillus bacteria everywhere on the plant, drench the leaves and especially the areas that have PM. The bacteria will eat the mildew, and will die off once it has done its job. Make sure you remove anything with mildew on it or wash the...
  12. UndyToke

    What kind of nutes does she need?

    Seems like they are stressed from the heat, but I doubt that quantum board is the reason, looks like there is too much N, and serrated leaves burning from the edges might be heat stress (nute balance affects heat and pest resistance) or it might be a K def (especially at this point in the...
  13. UndyToke

    Help, Can anyone identify this issue?

    Do you know the pH of your soil and water? What's your feed schedule and ppm/E.C., what soil are you using?
  14. UndyToke

    Calcium Deficiency?

    Can your scratch the rust off the plant's leaves? If yes, that is most probably "Rust fungus". I've never had it so I can't tell you anything Google wouldn't though. Good luck
  15. UndyToke

    Mid-harvest yellowing climbing all the way up!

    Might as well take the opportunity to start a final flush before harvest? Might be a bit early depending on how long the plant needs to flower. It seems more like a Potassium defficiency to me, since the yellowing is happening not only at the tip but is starting from the outside of the leaf on...
  16. UndyToke

    White spots on random leaves

    Yeah, the setup is hydroponic (DWC) so I clearly need to water often, the plant drinks like a beast lol. I water every second day. I just received my Silicon Dioxide in powder form and will try adding some to one of my plants soonish, I want to try that, along with my fumic acid in the water...
  17. UndyToke

    White spots on random leaves

    It does, uh. Not quite it, but that tells me it probably was some sort of leaf fungus. Let's hope it's gone for good, no symptoms as of yet it seems :eek: No I am going with the "Lukas formula" for this 1st grow, which is basically 1 part FloraMicro + 2 part FloraBloom throughout the whole...
  18. UndyToke

    White spots on random leaves

    Since I removed the leaves three days ago there have been no new spots, I looked closely and it didn't seem powdery as PM does. Anyhow, plant is as healthy as ever it seems :)
  19. UndyToke

    White spots on random leaves

    Doesn't rub off and you can see it from both sides. After spraying, I wait for it to dry for like half an hour before turning lights back on. The cool Canadian air is my AC, so the air is pretty dry too. Not really sure lol, anyhow she is looking healthy today.
  20. UndyToke

    White spots on random leaves

    Alright thanks for your input :) There isn't any new white spot today so I guess it is fine. As for the fulvic acid spray, yeah I'm not sure either, I just want to experiment. I'll see what's up when I get there.