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  1. K

    Is this magnesium deficiency ??

    Yes I need this the top always dries out way faster then the rest thanks for the info !
  2. K

    Is this magnesium deficiency ??

    I didn’t. earthworm castings apparently have calcium and magnesium in them I thought it would be enough possibly but nothing really states how much calcium and mag are in EWC. I didn’t want to use dolomite lime again because it raised ph to much. I was planning on adding gypsum and Epsom salts today
  3. K

    Is this magnesium deficiency ??

    I have used before but before I was using dolomite/ lime for calcium and magnesium but it raises the ph too much which was causing some minor problem so I didn’t add any this time so the only calcium and magnesium available would be in the earthworm castings and I’m not sure how much of either...
  4. K

    Is this magnesium deficiency ??

    I also have some Epsom salts and gypsum coming today I am going to add the Epsom but not the gypsum yet as I don’t wanna put too much calcium in I’ve heard bad things about too much calcium. Or should I add both at the same time I am getting that brown spotting effect calcium def causes on my...
  5. K

    Is this magnesium deficiency ??

    Oh my bad lol I’m not the best meme interpreter
  6. K

    Is this magnesium deficiency ??

    I like your mix I was looking at peat last night thinking about mixing up a batch with peat instead of coco and comparing. Any suggestions for a good mulch for my current coco mix ?
  7. K

    Is this magnesium deficiency ??

    Thank you for an intelligent reply with information. Could you elaborate on why coco is not good for the bacteria in organics and don’t the beneficial microbes break down nutrients and make them available to plant at wider ranges ?
  8. K

    Is this magnesium deficiency ??

    So the yellowing starting to occur in between the leaf veins looks healthy to you ??
  9. K

    Is this magnesium deficiency ??

    Is this suppose to be condescending?? I’ve never used cal/mag and I only stated I had no cal/mag in my mix. ( Neither calcium nor magnesium) was added do I really have to say it that way or people wanna imply that I’m one of the cal/mag fixes everything fanatics. I stated I had no magnesium or...
  10. K

    Is this magnesium deficiency ??

    3 leaves those are the leaves in question and they are on the bottom. What else do you want ? Pic of the plant ?
  11. K

    Is this magnesium deficiency ??

    Calcium is a nutrient and magnesium is a nutrient, I said cal/mag to state that I might have had both deficiencies my coco also has no pests. I said soil comes with pests. But thanks bud I was mainly asking about the magnesium not what you think I should grow in. Everyone has this opinion on...
  12. K

    Is this magnesium deficiency ??

    Calcium is a nutrient and magnesium is a nutrient, I said cal/mag to state that I might have had both deficiencies, and if you have none then wouldn’t that indeed be a deficiency?? And not really I’ve seen a few of his vids he’s grown some good and some bad a lot of people local here grow in...
  13. K

    Is this magnesium deficiency ??

    I believe this is a magnesium deficiency, I’m growing in coco/pearlite/EWC I had used dolomite lime before but the higher ph seemed to have a little effect so I transplanted and did NOT use any dolomite lime. So there’s no cal/mag besides what’s in earthworm castings which I have no clue how...