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  1. D

    PH 5.7-4.7 in 12 hours. DWC

    UC roots is hypochlorous acid. This thing makes it from water and table salt.
  2. D

    PH 5.7-4.7 in 12 hours. DWC

    Jdubb203 you seen this thing?
  3. D

    Advice or good link for basic dwc tote setup and maintenance

    you only got 2.5x3ft with no room outside Trying to do 4plants Go 5gal buckets. If it’s going to be hot with no AC or chillers, I think you have to go sterile, no bennies. 5 gal buckets will be the easiest to work with. Got to be light proof buckets etc. it will be cheep and it’s not the...
  4. D

    PH 5.7-4.7 in 12 hours. DWC

    Sudden ph drops point to bacteria problem. Would you also say that maybe your plants look stalled? Still drinking but how’s the growth?
  5. D

    Electrical / 15 Amp Circuit Question

    Not only do I run it at my house I run it all over the country like that for 20 fucking years. Look be as safe as you want to be. Want to run less then I say cuz you live in an old house with shit breakers then by all means take that into account. But what I’m saying is correct, I’m not saying...
  6. D

    Electrical / 15 Amp Circuit Question

    That’s an easy ref number that people can remember and will work. 1500 watts will fit on a 15 amp circuit all day and all night. And 2000 will fit on a 20 amp all day long too. It’s not going to trip the breaker or cause any problems ever. If you need the real numbers then go back to the first...
  7. D

    Electrical / 15 Amp Circuit Question

    At no point was I inaccurate
  8. D

    Electrical / 15 Amp Circuit Question

    Don’t equate me to some shit show fest you had once. Insult me and my profession and then say chill out. What I said all along is dead on and your numbers are almost exactly the same. Fucking troll.
  9. D

    Electrical / 15 Amp Circuit Question

    Your the one calling me out and posting code law when we are talking about an 80watt diff.
  10. D

    Electrical / 15 Amp Circuit Question

    At 120v that’s 1920watts. And I said 2000 Are we that f’ing far apart?
  11. D

    Electrical / 15 Amp Circuit Question

    Weather you like the music has nothing to do with the level of production that’s needed to pull off the show. I deal with big power every day and I’m just trying to help a grower with ohm’s law basic power. Your house has shit breakers that trip after 12amps? That’s not the way it should be...
  12. D

    Electrical / 15 Amp Circuit Question

    I’m sorry you had a shit fest once. My company handles Metallica. Fuck you!
  13. D

    Electrical / 15 Amp Circuit Question

    You can spout code all you want. I’m a sound engineer who works with 100,000watt systems every single day. I’ve planned whole festivals power plans for multi stages and vender rows. What I’m saying is correct and backed up by a decade of exp and millions of dollars riding on me being right about...
  14. D

    Electrical / 15 Amp Circuit Question

    No. It won’t. Totally disagree
  15. D

    Electrical / 15 Amp Circuit Question

    Watts / volts = amps Amps times volts = Watts So. If your voltage is 120v on a 20amp circuit. Then you got 2400 watts. At 110 volts you would have 2200 watts. For those who don’t want to do math or don’t have volt meters.... you can put 1500watts on a 15amp circuit And 2000watts on a 20amp...
  16. D

    Should I add more buckets?

    I wouldn’t add a row unless your only going to veg for like 2 weeks. I’m a fan of cages. I veg for 4 weeks.
  17. D

    How would you guys measure nutrients?

    Get to know the ppm of each thing you add. Take 1 gallon of RO and Add 1 gram of dry stuff or like 10mil of wet nutrient. I write the ppm rate on the outside of everything I have. With this info you should be able to achieve the ppm and ratio your looking for.
  18. D

    PPM is driving me crazy ....

    It’s good. My grow can eat 80-100ppm a day.
  19. D

    Humic and Fulvic Acids on Sterile Systems
  20. D

    Humic and Fulvic Acids on Sterile Systems

    That’s a no go GhostRider.