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  1. J

    PH control and ppms

    its weird. there is math out there that would tell me how to get lets say 50 ppms of nitrogen from 67% nitric acid. i should do that math and see if it matches the testing numbers. idk how at the moment tho. the way i do it is i get the fertalizer and i test its ppm in 1 gallon RO water to 1...
  2. J


    VPD is just how you set ur humidity basically right? relative to the temperature. what temps are you targeting? lets say ur adding co2 to your grow. your going to want higher temps. something around lets say 85. so in this case ur targeting 85 temps you would use the VPD chart and...
  3. J

    PH control and ppms

    im more interested in ppm sums than buffering capacity. buffering capacity is a different calculation that im not much interest in. i would prefer to hit my ppm targets for nitrogen and phosprus. then u can just add sulfric (within reason) to get to the ph u want to be at cuz sulfuric is...
  4. J

    Picking a mother

    i found ur kinda still WAGin it (wild ass guessin) even at harvest. 2 weeks after harvest is the earliest id make the pick. its a hassel i know. but i think if ur gunna do it thats the way. last summer i picked the SG1 around harvest.. it seemed like a not brainer.... i was pissed a few...
  5. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    what are u trying to say? someone said he should give credit. i was saying he gives about as much credit to the people who do the research in his lab that u can expect. i was just listening to andrew hubermans new podcast... it was constaly "at my lab" "resarch done at so and sos lab"...
  6. J

    PH control and ppms

    if i take a gallon of RO water and add a gram of nitric acid to it the ppms read basically 0 to 750ppm. that means 4 grams into a gallon should b ~ 3,000 ppm working w roughly 100 gallons cycling solution u would think adding 4 grams of nitric acid should increase the ppms of the cycling...
  7. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    i would think most strains ud want to stay around 160ppm N so thats be fine. Im always more worried about the K defficiency but i have never seen it show up visually on the plants.
  8. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    2004 paper on hydro nuits seems to contradict the 20-10-20 he recommends in the video.... im still trying to figure this one out if anyone got an ideas why
  9. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    Most scientists refer to their research as "my lab". iv only ever seen the guy give credit. i can specifically remember him shouting out the girl in the far red videos multiple times and if u watch the video where he displays his lab he goes thru all the achievements of his grad students. i...
  10. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    why not just add more dolimitc lime to the original mix. what was it 40g p/cuft go up to 50 or 60g cubic foot. i make the mix... run a little water thru. test the runoff. then add a little more lime. maybe its the pete in my area but im usually pribable up around 50-60 g cubic...
  11. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    bugbee is pulling secondary nuits from the medium (gypsom and dolemite) + tap water. if u got all that going on plus a regular cannabis nuitrents that already includes trhat stuff u could be having problems w nuitent sums.. calcium accumulation ect. thats why he rccomnds the pete 20-10-20...
  12. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    u rreally wouldnt need to get too crazy to start out. there is a jacks base out there thats like 5-20-40. mixed with calcium nitrate and epsom salt gets u basically to bugbees 20-10-20 w all nutirents included. but i hear u bout the scpoe of the grow and mixing small quantities of the...
  13. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    real fertiliser? bottled, mixed, with water added? no real feralizer fits that description as a general rule of thumb any pre mixed nuirtents should be avoided as u can find comparable products on the market without water for 90% cheaper. everyone should learn the salts. u will cut ur...
  14. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    yes that sounds good. ur ion the right track with how ur thinking.
  15. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    the 20-10-20 bugbee method is not for recirculating hydroponics. he wrote a paper on that in 2004 and its way different than the 20-10-20. he specifically states u should be watering to 10-20% perecent runoff. u can keep the intended rations without leaching the 10% off but it gets...
  16. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    iv ran baking soda thru potted plants as a way to rasie the ph. i think it was bakin g soda just google raising ph of potted plants and see if thats what comes up. im pretty sure it was baking soda... i tried using ph up products in the feed. basic ph up (potassium bicard) and potassium...
  17. J

    My 99% fully automated grow. Finally added the fertigation part! How much to fertigate per plant per day?

    i would still give the recommended amendments to the soil because they are there for ph balancing aswell and i dont think they would come close to the point of being toxic. while im on the PH topic pete from some places like home depot or big box stores does not have the ph he states in his...
  18. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    holy smokes thats a lot of phosphorus. any reason going so high w that? im over here working w nitric and battery acid and shit to keep my P down....
  19. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    I been trying to square his 20-10-20 recommendation w his paper on nutrients in reciculating hydroponics. hydro reccomendations are more to the 20-10-40 side. it has to be the cation exchnage i cant really think of any other reason and i been thinking about it a while lol.
  20. J

    My 99% fully automated grow. Finally added the fertigation part! How much to fertigate per plant per day?

    Ur watering schedule is going to change based on the size of the plant and the size of the pot. try to seet it by runoff aorund 1.2ec. so 1.3 going in 1.2 coming out. if thats 1 liter a day when the plant is small its going to be 2 liters a day or 1 liter twice a day when the plant gets...