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  1. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    the 50-10-40 is what the 20-10-20 is in elemental form... when u buy fertalizer they giver the npk numbers but thats not whats really in the mix... idk why they do this apparently in othre countries they give the actuall amount of npk... but in the states u have to convert them to elemntal... u...
  2. J

    4x4 light for $1,000

    the system is built so the hot spots are directly over the plants. the meter is as close as i can get it without covering canopy. it is set at the canopy of the shortest plant of that strain. im going into week two of flower. making my way up to 1500 for weeks 3.5-7ish... im not sure how u came...
  3. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    those are the ELEMENTAL ((Px2.3) and (Kx1.2) for regular NPK) numbers for jacks 20-10-20... it comes out to 250 ppm 1 gram to 1 gallon.... if u notice there is no cal mag sul or silicone... those thigns are in the ammendsments to the soil... but i dont think enough... to be honest iv done the...
  4. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    if ur using the peat lite 20-10-20 it could be calcium defficiency from the additives in the soil not being enough calcium. i know at least some of the jacks 20-10-20 has no calcium. could be too little phosporus... theres not much P in the 20-10-20... not much at all... going in at 6.5 ph...
  5. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    this is the numbers in ppms... if i remmeber correctly he says a nitrogen rate of 120ppms in the video... these numbers i think would average out to pretty close to that. you only give the start solutiuon 1 time in hydroponics... then go into veg refill.. then reprodutive refill.. also...
  6. J

    4x4 light for $1,000

    i run a ton of HLG 96v2s pread out all over the place... 2 per plant usually.. the wattage is a dance of distance and such based on the size of the plant and such. cages cause a problem getting the lights as close as id want them.. so idk exactly watts per sf ... use an appogee sensor for the...
  7. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    its very important to note that the 20-10-20 he reccomends has almost no other nuitents in it. i think it has micro nuitenients but other than the NPK it has almost nothing. so while the additions he adds do help to w the PH they are also there to supply the other nuitents not in the jacks...
  8. J

    Chem-gro hobby forula

    good read... the mixes i make are mostly based off bruce bugbees 2004 paper on recirculting hydroponics.... and it was actually the top citation of the article you posted. i find a combination of bugbees numbers from the paper averaged w around what most people think are optium cannabis...
  9. J

    4x4 light for $1,000

    im sorry are u saying ur beating the people supplimenting co2... w ambient co2. i dont care who you are and how good you are.... thats not happening. its basic physics. if ur so good that ur pulling 4 pounds out of ur 4x4.... ud probable be pulling 6 w co2... idk why u would leave those...
  10. J

    Chem-gro hobby forula

    righht on thanks for that.... im running the hydro system and i dont do any flushing or changin the water or anything like that. so i really got to be on point for whats coming out and whats going in the cirulating solution. i find it easier to keep the nuitreint count using the ppms.
  11. J

    air pump sizing for DWC

    anyone got any information or could anyone direct me to where i can size my air pump for a DWC systwm its roughly a 100 galon system..... 12 8 galoon pots witht he currect culture air regulator the package said to keep them between 20-30 and the gauge reads inches... im not really sure how...
  12. J

    4x4 light for $1,000

    1200 ppfd in veg is like a 75 DLI.. thats too much light.... and u kinda need to work ur way up to 1000-1200 ppfd and im not usually abe to get that high before i got to flip to flower... i got hydro 8 gallon pots so there is only so much time i can veg them befoe the root system would get...
  13. J

    if u want gimme ur email or somethiing and i can send u the spreadsheet i used to break out the...

    if u want gimme ur email or somethiing and i can send u the spreadsheet i used to break out the nuitreints based on his 2004 paper to kinda try to steal his nuitrient mixes
  14. J

    these would basically averasge out the the 20-10-20 he reccomends but it also has the calcium...

    these would basically averasge out the the 20-10-20 he reccomends but it also has the calcium magnesiuom sulfer in the nuitreint feed as opposed to the bugbee method that puts a lot of that stuff in the soil.. its eaiser to gauge when its in the liquid feed.
  15. J

    Chem-gro hobby forula

    anyone triend the chem-gro hobby formula durring the flowering period.... i know they sell their 4-20 mix but i think they comes out more of a veg style fertalizer. this is what i got for a break out of the mixes. VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTE THIS IS IN PPM.... not the normal NPK u would see on a...
  16. J

    Jack's 3-2-1 question

    i like ur mix its v ery similar tot he one i run... one little exception i had to lower my P even more durring veg.. my hydro ssystem i run veg - 120n 35p, 145k, 125 cal, 40 mag , 24 sul flower 120n, 50p, 170k, when had P levels in the veg mix that were the same as in the flower mix the...
  17. J

    4x4 light for $1,000

    why not adjust the power of the lights instead of the distance... ur paying for a lot of photons ur not using by doing that... and u have to offset every watt put into the grow room with offsetting wattage to counter it for condisionts.. every watt is roughly 3 btus u need to counter w more...
  18. J

    4x4 light for $1,000

    im up and over 1500 all the time... u got ur co2 and comnditions right photosythesis is still increasing upwards of 2,000
  19. J

    he reccomeds the 20-10-20 as a general fertlaizer but when i go deeper into his papers it seems...

    he reccomeds the 20-10-20 as a general fertlaizer but when i go deeper into his papers it seems to me the nuitrnet line that most closly matches his methodology is chem-gro... specifically using the 4-20 fomrula they reccomd... witch is like 1 part 4-20 mix 1 part calcium nitrate 2/3 part epsom...
  20. J

    gypsom is calcium sulafte so that would get u some calcium and sulfer.. some peolpe add epsom...

    gypsom is calcium sulafte so that would get u some calcium and sulfer.. some peolpe add epsom salt witch is magnesium sulfate so that would get u more magneisum and sulfer...