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  1. J

    take a look at the jacks u are using and the jacks peat lite because one of them is just pretty...

    take a look at the jacks u are using and the jacks peat lite because one of them is just pretty much npk. there is almost no calcium magnesium and sulfer in that fertlize... he gets a lot of that in his soil mix w the lime and gypsum but usually not enough for cannabis.. u could add extra...
  2. J

    4x4 light for $1,000

    on a personal note im less woriied about how hard i can push them and more worried about the amount of light they are recieving throghout the stages... so i want to be at about 2/3 DLI switching to flower and get to 3/3 by week 4 of flower and let them ride form there... if i can only get them...
  3. J

    4x4 light for $1,000

    the chandra studies are great but i think bugbees stuff is a little more updated.... and the dude seems rock solid.. he seems to think most stuff can be pushed harder than chandra. photons (light intensity) is going to dictate ur yield for the most part but its worht noting this stuff isnt...
  4. J

    Dynasty V2?

    hey could someone explain to my the V2 terminology. theres a few packs from dynasty available that i usually dont see just peeping the sites but with a V2 designation moose and lobsta v2.. starduster v2 from what i could gather... this is a F1 hydrib? just with a different mother than...
  5. J

    ph of the runoff is much less important. i havent seen anyone worry about that to be hionest...

    ph of the runoff is much less important. i havent seen anyone worry about that to be hionest with you beuase when u add ur water and nutrient the plants will spend the next day or two eating the nutrient you have given it... and that will change the ph of the runnof beacuse the composition of...
  6. J

    you want to measure ur tap water and see whats up w the ph... then add ur nutrient solution and...

    you want to measure ur tap water and see whats up w the ph... then add ur nutrient solution and take another test. the ph of the nutrient going into the plant is whats important. what exactly are u running for nutrient... NPK and ull probable need somne other stuff aswell so if u could tell...
  7. J

    How much UVB to give.

    could u post some papers on this or something... manufactures information can not be trusted.. its marketing not sceince. im less skeptical of wikipedia but id prefer some legit papers on the subject. im too lazy to trudge thru the citations at the moment so i figured id ask first.. also...
  8. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    you want to go in the other direction... ur putting in 1.3 ec... and ur registering 2.0 in ur runoff... that means ur watering too much... ur not giving the plant enought time to remove all the nuitrents before ur putting more nutient into the medium... i noticed above someone mentioed u...
  9. J

    ya sure... my bad i didnt see this.... holler at me w some questions and ill try to get on here...

    ya sure... my bad i didnt see this.... holler at me w some questions and ill try to get on here over the next couple days and get ya an answer... its a really great mix and can be very simple when u get it down..
  10. J

    4x4 light for $1,000

    lighting information is best taken from doc bruce bugbee from utah state... hes got some good papers on LED vs HID... hes also quite possible the leading plant scientis in the country and the guy who NASA turn to when they need to figure out how to grow plants in space.. there is some videos on...
  11. J

    Veg (T5) to Flower (HPS) - How to avoid transplant shock?

    i would think that 4 ft is too far for most applications in ambient co2 ur looking for DLI around to over 40... u want a roughly 1000ppfd. in the graph attached below you can see some testing fo a 1000w HPS in a 4x4 area... this is a par report but it will highlight the point the graph onb...
  12. J

    Veg (T5) to Flower (HPS) - How to avoid transplant shock?

    there is a reduction in light between like weeks 5-6 in flower. why would this be done? also a reduction in light after about week 7... this one makes a little more sence the question is why is he bouncing around his DLI in flower.... the fluence chart is steadily increasing DLI (logical)...
  13. J

    Controlling stretch on a stretch

    increasing light intensity will obvously cause growth but it can limit stretchiung... id be carefull trying that anywhere to the left side of the spectrum would help... blue.. shit id even hit em w some uv
  14. J

    Veg (T5) to Flower (HPS) - How to avoid transplant shock?

    iv been trying to figure this one below out for months... this guys all over the place... if u got any theories lemme know..
  15. J

    Controlling stretch on a stretch

    what are the lights? how hard u running them? you got a t5s sitting around?
  16. J

    Veg (T5) to Flower (HPS) - How to avoid transplant shock?

    photoacclimation is a thing... i remember i think fluence has a cananbis cultivation guide with ppfd reccomendations for light increasing. but i push a lot harder than they reccomend. im of the mind they acclimate to spetrum aswell. so i run 1 light the whole time. vegging w some blue...
  17. J

    Why change water in hydro system?

    i would assume the PH drop is the alkalinity thge RO water right? or the non alkalinity i should say... what ur describing seems logical w RO filtered water as nuitrient diminish the buffer is almost non existant. if u were to replenish the nuitrent w the correct ratio and more importantly i...
  18. J

    Why change water in hydro system?

    i should say that some of the figuring i was doing at the beingin of the thread was wrong i think.... im not sure holding a 1.2 the whoile time is the correct way to go here... infact the more i read the article im thinking the cycling solution is going to extremely low nutrient... the...
  19. J

    Why change water in hydro system?

    good stuff.... the guy actually cites the bugbee paper from 04 that i been wortking off of to make these mixes. were bioth working off the same source material.... in bugbees paper he goes a little deeper into how to figure ur replenishment solutions based on the rate of growth of 4 things...
  20. J

    Why change water in hydro system?

    the article i posted from bugbee in 04 gives u as good of a referencers for the dimes quaters and nickles... thing about my breakdown of the article is the ratio of nutrients bein taken out of the plants is relatively a similar from an everything perspective besides calcium witch drops a lot...