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  1. J

    Arduino programming

    can i ask u where u learned this stuff.... im about 20 deep into paul mcchorters youtube tutorials... just wondering how u did it?
  2. J

    Quest for the best

    nice dude... i like all the science and stuff about growing.. but hunting for that special pheno is still the best part!!!
  3. J

    Thoughts on this soil blend

    bruce bugbees mix from his maximising cannabis yield video is outstanding.... u need to get reeal peat the peat from hoem depot is not the right ph
  4. J

    Why change water in hydro system?

    on the right track but not nessisarily...u want to run 20-10-20 the whole time at a constant ec but you have to identify what is being taken out and replace it.. what is being taken out is base don 4 things.. leafs stems root and fruits... table 3 from the paper shows the ratios being taken out...
  5. J

    Why change water in hydro system?

    first time full hydro... but no the first time making mixes... princiapls should be the same with minor adjustments for what would be in the medium and now has to be in the nuitrient solution... im actually really looking forward to this cycle.. i got 24 new HLG 96v2 wired all over the place and...
  6. J

    Why change water in hydro system?

    does that have to do with the concentration of the solution? or the composition of the solution? ur at 1.3 ec you drop to 1.2ec and add back the proper nuirtients and get to 1.3 again... is that solution bufferable again or once the buffer is lost its lost the biggest problem w the paper is ph...
  7. J

    Why change water in hydro system?

    could u explain that... im running like 150 gal. id say thats small... but i cant see why size has any difference to his approach
  8. J

    Why change water in hydro system?

    but where does the lab testing come in? he basis his mixes off of table 3.... leafs stems roots and fruits... then he makes premix solution.... table 4... then the concentration of the solution is a forula but u wouldnt have to do that really just carry the same ec.. but he has already...
  9. J

    Why change water in hydro system?

    my b i didnt mean to come off combative. the punctuation thing is just how i think. its kinda funny when i started being able to type faster someone was next to me and was like man u type exactly how u think. idk if anyone heard that joe rogan and kayne interview where kaynes mind would kinda...
  10. J

    Why change water in hydro system?

    ya changin a few gallon no big deal... id take me 3 days to get all the filtered water id need lol...
  11. J

    Why change water in hydro system?

    could u have pulled it off from visual cues alone? can i ask what u used from PH down. also assuming u were growing cannabis i would be curious about roughly where u wanted to be total ec wise? thanks great post btw
  12. J

    Why change water in hydro system?

    "Many research scientists dump out nutrient solutions and refill at weekly intervals. Some authors have recommended automated measurement and control of individual nutrients in solution as essential to nutrient control. However, two decades of research in hydroponics has shown us that dumping...
  13. J

    Why change water in hydro system?

    check out the article.... its literally on what u are talking about.. might help
  14. J

    Why change water in hydro system?

    u posted basically a marketing article from someone trying to sell nuits... i posted an article from the possible the leading plant sciewntist in the country and tried to start a discussion... Im not trying to get on ya but thats sugar information man... its probable going to hurt u more than...
  15. J

    Why change water in hydro system?

    thats not what the article says.... actually i think the article (written by bugbee and cited by ALOT) says all the complicated monitoring causes more problems... it gives rather simple insturctions on what slices are being removed at different time and how to replenish them... Bugbees advice...
  16. J

    Why change water in hydro system?

    ya basically kinda the same... well have runoffs from those mediums tho... my understanding was this is nessesary? thats kinda what concerns me here w the dwc
  17. J

    Why change water in hydro system?

    I get what ur saying... the article i posted has rather simple instructions on how to determine what ur nuitrient content should be... and on what is being taken out by the plant and at what time.... therefore it seems rather simple to just put back what is being taken... my understanding was...
  18. J

    Why change water in hydro system?

    Im setting up the hydro system and im kind of confused why my friends change out the water in their systems.... i tried to get an explanation but couldnt understand based on this paper it seems not that difficult to not have to drain and refill...
  19. J

    I f*** up?

    seems like a lot of nitrogen.... i dont usually want to get that dark green... i would find a fert w lower nitrogen... or reduce the EC of what u got.. maybe test ur runoff... see how it different from what ur putting in... u want a pretty consitent EC goin in and coming out... for instance if...