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  1. J

    Far Red during late flower.

    ill run uv almost the whole time.... im a big believer in photoacclimation... in terms of strength and spectrum... 15mins week 1 of flower.. up to 4 hours by weeek 6 from the bugbee vid the logic i took was.. if its a shade avoider (like weed).. it will cause stem elongation = not good if...
  2. J

    strain naming situation

    the way i interpreeted the starchild at the end of the movie was basically that it was an advanced human phenotype... the ahhh alien beings or whatever took the regular human and cloned/advanced the specics w some super genetics.. and the starchild was born...
  3. J

    strain naming situation

    i just saw 2001 for the first time the other day... assuming the name is derived from the movie i have to say... pure genius...
  4. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    just keep in mind ur using that vermiculite to pull the ph of the peat (3.5) back upward.. so if u skimp on the vermiculite ur going to need to adjust for that.... u would want to add a little more lime than he reccomends... or ph ur water up a little when u feed...
  5. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    good stuff.. thanks are u sure the nasa studies and thee cannabis studies are the same... my impression was this is the guy nasa hires to study growing stuff in space therefore maybe the leading plant scientist in the country... that was approached by the cannabis industry to study cannabis...
  6. J

    Automating a Grow Room / Rooms

    ya thats the way i generally do it... cant be afraid of the learning process even tho overwheling at the moment im just getting down the coding process and thinking about how to translate that to hardware makes my head spin.... i just keep chipping away.. gaining more reference frames...
  7. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    if ur looking for explosive growth its kinda a different calcualtion... u have to keep that EC correct but the calculation i could do for yield is kinda likee... photosythiesis = LIGHT x (CO2 x limiting factor) the light drives everthing... the co2 is how u covert that light to...
  8. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    ph wise think of it as a combo of ur watering and ur meidum... and try to combine them to hit like 6.5 or whever u want i to land but its sa combo oif the two. if ur medium starts at 7.0 and ur constantly hitting it with 6.0 it will naturually start to lower over time but u get the point...
  9. J

    Automating a Grow Room / Rooms

    heyyy im just getting into this.... i got about 20 of paul mchorters arduino tutorials on youtube under the belt... i figured i had to just go from scratch... you say theres a dromatic lol spec online or something.... id love to see that if u got a link or anything that really helped u when starting
  10. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    this guy isnt a light manufacture or a physicist.. this is possibly the leading plant scientist in the country... what makes you think his expertise is in lighting only? in his video on grow lighting myths he mentions making a whole series on nutrients... and the systems they develop for nasa...
  11. J

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    iv done this method and i dont really understand why people are saying its hard or confusing... infact i find it the most simple technique if ur a beginner... its like hes done all the work for you.... watering wise id say EC is the most important thing... his system of 1.3 in and 1.0 to 1.5...
  12. J

    Best compromise between temperature and light power?

    its hard to answer the question but if ur at ambient co2 then heat is not something you need... guys upa round 80+ are supplimenting co2... at ambient co2 u probable want to be below 80... co2 absortiption is based on temp so guys running high temps are pushing as far into disease territory as...
  13. J

    Far Red during late flower.

    im considering trying this im wondering if anyone has tried giving far red light durring the last 3 weeks of flower... logic being the plants might not stretch at that time... Weed is a shade avoider so in most situations u would see stem elongation from the far red... durring the last 3 weeks...
  14. J

    strain naming situation

    drama? the thread is basically a joke. kinda fun i thiught. if were staying w the german theme tho im suprised no one threw down the obvious... blitzkrieg
  15. J

    strain naming situation

    alright cool.... maybe ill find my own startchild... started the summer w 10 of 3 different starins... it was quite a bit iof work.... widdeled it down to 3 of each... just from basic inspection or whatever... seeing im down to 9 phenos to test i wouldnt mind sending them away to get tested...
  16. J

    strain naming situation

    no i wasnt asking i never thought much of it but it was taken off the great lakes genetics site. when i googled it i saw the nazi thing and just read between the lines... i havent looked that hard if its back under a new name... triangle kush and 88hp i think... Are u saying its ok to name a...
  17. J

    strain naming situation

    I bought some bodhi seeds earlier this year... on of them was black triangle... they took it off the website pretty quicjly because black triangle is some kind of nazi symbol im assuming... havent brought it back under a new name.... Does that mean i get to name this one... im not trying to...
  18. J

    changing light intensity throughout the day

    could u expand a little bit on the CS and shudder organics.... i would say im not over thinking the light.... im not sure how u can... the light starts the equation... if u want net pgotosythis... its like light x all other factors (limiting factors).... if uv built a good grow room its like...
  19. J

    Humidity too high to get harvest dry enough

    im not sure u can run regular dehumidifiers the math doesnt add up... u get down to like 60f and there not going to do much... i think thats why u see the new dessicants from quest ect.. they are trying to run dehus in low temps...
  20. J

    Humidity too high to get harvest dry enough

    has anyone tried curing in a tent w some kind of small desiccant dehuidifieer... i know quest has a legit one but im not a rich dude... i know a seena couple small desicant dehus out their for a few 100 dollars... sometimes i consider trying to reduce the size of the cure room to like a 4x4 tent...