Search results

  1. LEDTonic - Daniel

    How to choose the LED light?

    Hey! I would start by familiarizing myself with the term "PPFD" (in unit µmol/m2/s). PPFD (light intensity or photon density) is a more accurate way to measure light than lumen. PPFD is a spot measurement that tells you how much light lands on a specific area. Lumen tell you the total output of...
  2. LEDTonic - Daniel

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    @Beefbisquit, would love to be included in your list if you decide to update it. LEDTonic - LEDTonic Cheers!
  3. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Best LED PLUG AND PLAY for 4x4

    Hey! So we're a bit biased but our Q7 lamp works well in a 4x4' space. If you want to go all out two Q7's will give both a high and uniform light intensity while costing less than $1000. We use Amazon as our logistic partner so the lamps ship out quickly from a nearby US location. With Amazon...
  4. LEDTonic - Daniel

    How to setup 2 tents

    Photos and autos will have different photoperiods (light schedules) all the way from seed to harvest so it's not a good idea to mix them in the same tent. If you're planning on growing both autos and photos then definitely separate them tent by tent. If you're set on using two tents of equal...
  5. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Cannabis stocks

    Next to impossible to lose money on stocks in 2020 haha. Sadly, that trend is unlikely to continue imo.
  6. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Could my lights be causing this?

    As previous posters said, you're definitely not giving your plants too much light. During early veg 200-300 µmol/m2/s is reasonable. During mid and late veg you can pump that up to 300-400. My best guess is also a nutrient issue.
  7. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Cannabis stocks

    I use Tradestation and International Brokers. I saw that IB's CEO or owner was out in the news backing the hedge funds in the Robinhood battle. It left a bitter taste in my mouth. Haven't come across any negativity from Tradestation yet. Their app is decent but website fairly outdated. The...
  8. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Best light for 2×4×6

    The way we think about what light fits a certain space is by looking at lamps' light output, i.e. their light footprint. In other words, how intense light is projected over an area. If you're not familiar with "light footprint maps" or "PPFD maps/charts", I suggest you ask Google. In short, a...
  9. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Best eye protection with quantum boards?

    I understand that you have ordered a pair but in case anyone else stumbles upon this thread, there are several types of glasses out there. Some go for style, some go for color correcting (blurple to green) and some go for maximal light block. To combat white light, any type of dark color...
  10. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Upgrading flowering light to LED

    I think it would be a good idea for you to familiarize yourself with the term PPFD - Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density. PPFD is essentially another word for light intensity. PPFD can be measured in unit µmol/m2/s. We know that mature cannabis plants do well with PPFD levels of 600-900...
  11. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Cannabis stocks

    I own a bit of TCNNF. Bought at $18 in September and it has treated me well. I chose TCNNF over Canopy and Aurora because of their continuous revenue growth and that they were making a profit. It seems to me that large companies like Aurora have made rather poor acquisitions over the years...