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  1. A

    Any ideas?

    I am currently one month into my second grow. After 2-3 nodes on one of three plants I started to notice splotch discoloring on the 1st node leaves. I believed it to be leaf septoria. I removed them because I had another node or two above it to keep plant alive. It continued growing well and...
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    Stunted growth on one out of 3

    @Jloi Its fascinating to me how each plant even within the same strain is it's own individual. I don't wanna give up on her just yet, I plan on giving it a little more time to see if she can pull herself together. Thank you. @mudballs That's kinda what I suspected :/ Thanks for sharing your...
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    Stunted growth on one out of 3

    The main purpose of this post is to get an outside opinion for my options moving forward. I am currently growing 3 plants. One of the three is severely stunted under the exact same conditions as the other two. Seeing as it is only my second grow, I am wondering if it is salvageable, or if it is...
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    I have no clue what this is

    I'm not sure man, I would open up your own post for it to ensure the most people see it. I just finished my first grow so I am no expert and I highly suggest getting another opinion, but the curling leaves, little dots, and some vegatative growth missing almost looks like thrips to me.
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    I have no clue what this is

    Yea I definitely do. I did a decent job of lining up a couple stagnant fans to direct air from my passive intake up to my carbon filter which leads through my light to outside. But I think an oscillating fan would definitely help the overall process. I will definitely invest in one for my second...
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    I have no clue what this is

    So the banish seems to have worked for me. Although I noticed it had mixed reviews, so I guess it's hit or miss. I mixed it as directed with water and used it as a foliar spray. But in my panic to solve the problem as quickly as possible I used room temperature purified water, instead of the...
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    I have no clue what this is

    They had a few. One was a mixed fungicide/insecticide hybrid. One was a cheaper version of fungicide. But their highest rated one was a brand called Banish. It is an organic product purely used for any type of mildew. Lights on for my girls started 10 minutes ago and I just applied it through a...
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    I have no clue what this is

    Dang I was really hoping someone would show up saying "oh yea thats nothing to worry about" lol. I suppose you just confirmed my fears. I guess I take this as a learning experience. Going to the local garden shop today to pick up some treatment. I guess first time grow I get to learn to deal...
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    I have no clue what this is

    That was actually something I suspected too. I initially failed to shake the early seedling/veg all NPK under 1 fertilizer, so now nearing the end of the bottle the liquid is a bit thick. The reason I didn't mention this, and why I don't really think this is what it is, is that the spots are...
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    I have no clue what this is

    With fully dry gloves it rubs off with a slight amount of pressure. Even the slightest bit of moisture takes it right off and the plant appears normal underneath. It's hard to get the smell because I can't tell if i'm just taking smell from the plant itself. But it just smells like a lighter...
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    I have no clue what this is

    So a little opening details. This is my first grow. I am 30 days into flower currently. 5 gallon pots 250w super hps in 3x3x6ft tent. The air flow outtake goes outside, passive intake on bottom. Sadly no oscillating fans, but I have 2 stagnant fans directing airflow to carbon filter in tent and...
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    NL, J47, GG Indoor. Late Start Journal. My First Grow

    I havent posted in over a week. I had some issues with my girls and was nervous I had killed them and this post isn't really being watched by anyone, so at this point, this is mostly for me anyways lol . My girls were turning yellow on the bottom. I researched and found out that was most likely...
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    Yellow lower leaves, slight wilt.

    As title says, I have some slight yellowing on these two Northern Lights (NL) and Jack 47 (J47). I have a 3rd strain I'm growing Gorilla Girl (GG) but she seems to be doing fine. I fimmed both the NL and the J47 two weeks ago, but not the GG. So my guess is that the fimming stressed those two...
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    NL, J47, GG Indoor. Late Start Journal. My First Grow

    So I just began LST bending. Watched a few videos and got the idea of what I'm going for. Northern Lights still has a little yellowing on bottom leaves. And soil feels dry as well as pots feel light again already. Seems even 24oz of water might not be enough for the bigger two NL and J47. I will...
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    NL, J47, GG Indoor. Late Start Journal. My First Grow

    Quick update: So like I said, mistakes were expected. I mis-diagnosed the plants pretty bad. Apparently I was simply underwatering them. I was watering 8 oz per plant every 4 days. Just gave them 24 oz and they perked up within an hour. It was actually really cool to see. The bottom leaves on...
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    Drooping leaves, Dark Green

    This being my first grow, I was expecting to kill AT LEAST one. So I'm as surprised as you lol. . And ok awesome I will do that, thank you!
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    Drooping leaves, Dark Green

    Interesting. These are 5 gallon pots. I watered 2 days ago, I guess tomorrow I will give them a nice big amount of water and see if that helps. Do you do the runoff trick with watering? Or is it just something that comes with time that you get more comfortable with?
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    Drooping leaves, Dark Green

    I was overwatering initially, so now I'm giving about 8oz every 4 days. So you think this might be underwatering then?
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    Drooping leaves, Dark Green

    So as title says, the leaves are drooping and are dark green. I read this could be a N excess. Curious what other people think. I have two other plants that are not doing this. It has gotten a bit worse in the last day or two. The bottom leaves are now just laying on the soil... . The issue...
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    NL, J47, GG Indoor. Late Start Journal. My First Grow

    Just wanted to add some pictures of my exhaust setup as well but could only put 10 pictures in original post. Sorry for all the catchup here. I believe we are all on the same page now though.