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  1. LawnXweeds

    Stunted + nutrient burn?

    I did add some Mycos to the hole i transplanted into and the soil has perilite and is pretty airy. The top layer is a bit dense because I topdressed with worm castings. Thanks, I will give some of that a shot.
  2. LawnXweeds

    Stunted + nutrient burn?

    Thanks. The tea I gave thing2 should have had a good amount of NPK because the fert that was in the "teabag" is 4-6-3. Whether or not its water soluable and that made it to the soil is a different story. I suppose I could top dress some dry fert, but if they truly are "hungry", then the soil is...
  3. LawnXweeds

    Stunted + nutrient burn?

    Another less positive update, hopefully I can get some more generous help. The problem does not seem to be going away. I've been using strictly RO water since I noticed these issues, but that has only been 3 waterings since I made the switch back. A local grower at the dispensary my wife goes...
  4. LawnXweeds

    Plants in different stages keep developing fully red stems, leaves turn yellow and droop. Water experts get in here!

    Are the microorganisms found in cannabis soil immune to chloramine or something? I don't see how using water that has an antimicrobial agent won't have a negative impact.
  5. LawnXweeds

    Watering with fabric pots and a "water only" medium

    Someone more knowledgeable than I can correct me, but in organic soil growing, there are no salts or waste. If you water to runoff, you are leeching all the good stuff out of the soil.
  6. LawnXweeds

    Stunted + nutrient burn?

    These plants have been in this soil since 1/4/2020. The EC of my water, i don't know. unless that is another way of saying PPM via TDS meter, in which case i would say my tap water is 150 PPM w/ a pH of 7.7. That said, I only just now started measuring either so i have no idea what I have...
  7. LawnXweeds

    Stunted + nutrient burn?

    Oh shit, I never used Milo or Carbon-X on my cannabis. I was just replying literally to your question of "What kind of nitrogenous amendments do you have on hand?" However, it started about the same time I started using tap water as opposed to Walmart/Primo RO water. That's exactly how it...
  8. LawnXweeds

    Stunted + nutrient burn?

    nothing at the moment other than some worm castings or some Milorganite or Carbon-X also for the lawn. just some micronutrients. I've added some liquid kelp, some superthrive and some molasses but all at very low rates. I am expecting major nutes (NPK) from the soil. Thanks. I was going to...
  9. LawnXweeds

    Stunted + nutrient burn?

    Here are some more pics of lower/older growth
  10. LawnXweeds

    Stunted + nutrient burn?

    I think I have another problem. Around the beginning of February, I switched from Wally World/Primo RO water to using my tap water. Due to the fact that I am using a "living soil" and sooooo many people say tap is best and you can throw away all your PH stuff, i never PH'd my water. Until a...
  11. LawnXweeds

    Roots very close to the surface

    You're absolutely right. it is extremely beneficial for me to have those roots so close to the top with easy access to the topdressing. Thanks!
  12. LawnXweeds

    Roots very close to the surface

    I can do that. I just thought I was supposed to work it in a bit because I might also add some kelp meal.
  13. LawnXweeds

    Roots very close to the surface

    This is the only pot they've ever been in. HOWEVER! I had to replant them about a month ago because I initially planted them in straight compost because I did not know any better. That said, it is quite possible that I did not add enough soil. There is maybe 3" from the top of the soil to the...
  14. LawnXweeds

    Roots very close to the surface

    I went to add some worm castings as a topdress and I found roots very near the surface about 3/4 of the way to the edge of the pot. The ones I found so far are not huge but strong enough that when I dragged my finger through the dirt the root offered some resistance. They are so close that I am...
  15. LawnXweeds

    Stunted + nutrient burn?

    I've had both on for a while now. shortly after I re-potted, so about a month ago.
  16. LawnXweeds

    Stunted + nutrient burn?

    Yes, I was planning on using a scrog. I didn't think to let it fill in before I flipped, though, so I will do that. I might have to find a way to raise my lights even more because they are already only 27" from the canopy and it's as high as I can get it without some weird rig up. I'm starting...
  17. LawnXweeds

    Stunted + nutrient burn?

    Just another followup since this is the closest I have to a detailed journal. Here we are a month later. I am thinking I might flip to flower sometime next week because my tent is short.
  18. LawnXweeds

    Watering with fabric pots and a "water only" medium

    I'm not sure I follow. The bag it comes in has listings for how many of a certain size pot you can get out of it and it included 3gal.
  19. LawnXweeds

    Watering with fabric pots and a "water only" medium

    Wouldn't a pot with no holes promote root rot? Besides that, I am liking this whole "water the tray, not the pot" idea. It's making this a whole lot easier. I do both: I have some tap water in a bucket with an air pump and a stone as well as jugs of water from the Wally World refill station.