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  1. growsince79

    Should i start flushing

  2. growsince79

    Biden & Harris :)

    Its all true and you know it. Now go burn down something to protest.
  3. growsince79

    Biden & Harris :)

    So by notvoting for Trump im the reason we are in this mess. Does that mean I should have voted for him? How old are you?
  4. growsince79

    Biden & Harris :)

    Not true? Joe Biden admits its true. Its documented a million ways. It;s been investigated and found to be poor judgement but not a crime. Why isn;t it a crime you ask ? Because the Republicans and Demacrats in Washington all do it.
  5. growsince79

    Biden & Harris :)

    I didn't vote for Trump last time and im not going to this time. But I.m also not voting for Biden. As VP biden flew with his son on airforce2 at taxpayer expense and returned with a Billion dollars for his son. And guess what? It wasn't illegal, but it damn sure should have been.
  6. growsince79

    Biden & Harris :)

    Is that because I refuse to vote for a corrupt politician?
  7. growsince79

    Biden & Harris :)

    How old are you seriously? I dont understand your hate.
  8. growsince79

    Biden & Harris :)

    You dont even know me. Why all the hate?
  9. growsince79

    Biden & Harris :)

    If you vote for of two evils you still voted for evil.
  10. growsince79

    Biden & Harris :)

    Whats your problem with me? I said I dont like Trump or Biden so that somehow triggered your hate mechanism? Chill dude.
  11. growsince79

    Biden & Harris :)

    The difference between me and you is I can disagree with someone without hating them or name calling. I don't hate anyone because of who they love, worship (or not), or vote for or not.
  12. growsince79

    Biden & Harris :)

    I Agree Trump should have closed our borders to everyone on day one. Im sure thats what Biden would have done.
  13. growsince79

    Biden & Harris :)

    Disagree 100% why didn't Obama legalize weed. Neither party is worth a shot imo. If you vote lesser of two evils you still voted for evil
  14. growsince79

    Biden & Harris :)

    I can't stand Trump or anyone else in Washington. They are ALL crooks.
  15. growsince79

    24/0 or 18/6 for veg

    Agree. DLI
  16. growsince79

    24/0 or 18/6 for veg

    Depends on how strong the light. DLI
  17. growsince79

    Could use help identifying a bug

    Oh shit that can't be good
  18. growsince79


    Anyone growing Capulator seeds? I was lucky enough to score one seed of macriddle but it was male. I used it to pollinate my 661 kush. The seeds produced bud that looked like mom but even stronger. I backcrossed to the frozen pollen so now these are 3/4 macriddle. I hope its good.
  19. growsince79

    Could use help identifying a bug

    Are the outside I hope
  20. growsince79

    Got guns?
