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  1. Arkos

    AC Infinity Fan Exhaust

    Mountain air filters, everything else is garbage in comparison. Run a filter/fan inside and another outside your tent, no more weed smell.
  2. Arkos

    Solar Power Grow

    Some more info would be lovely, how many solar panels ? Are you running a battery ? How much did they + installing set you back ? Super interested in solar for my own grow and would like to hear more, thank you. Edit: Well my stoned dyslexic ass just realized you already said it was 5kw and...
  3. Arkos

    Migro Aray 120w

    Cfl to led ? No stress for you nor the plants✌️
  4. Arkos

    Environmental / Lighting Controller(s)

    What a fitting acronym, Hass = Hash in my native tounge. Great thread btw, lot's of great info to help out people, good looking out.
  5. Arkos

    Miracle Alien Cookies (Can anyone get these seeds?)

    Jesus everything you say here gets twisted doesn't it ? Where does it say I bought from copycat ? It's fake mac but not from that clown... I just think it's a low blow playing people like that, some waited over a year only to discover a 380$ charge for a newsletter with 3 "free" gifts
  6. Arkos

    Miracle Alien Cookies (Can anyone get these seeds?)

    Well I did wait for his "newsletter" like a sucker so your right but to my defense the people are asking for Mac so I gotta try... To bad the guy holds the seeds back like that, but at least I have no qurral buying copycat of his genetics.
  7. Arkos

    Miracle Alien Cookies (Can anyone get these seeds?)

    I have a mac and a banana mac growing, not caps but they still the slowest vegging plants I have out of 25 strains... Banana mac has a little more vigor. Definitely won't be keeping these weaklings around, fuck that guy and his bs hype marketing. Miracle Alien Cookies sounds like something a 5...
  8. Arkos

    Dam gnats

    Potassium soap and neem oil, can't see anymore of these fuckers. I guess a good drenching with this stuff for new coco should be part of the schedule...
  9. Arkos

    Alternating food and varying pH

    Don't mix nute lines unless you know which chemicals are in it, some use different sources and you will probably encounter problems with some chemicals not playing nice with each other.
  10. Arkos

    Dam gnats

    I'm sick of getting these gnats with the coco bags, think I'll open them all next time and dry the fucking fuck out it before it ever enters the grow.... Hell I think I'm just going full hydro or is it mental ? o_O
  11. Arkos

    Best LED comparable to 1000W HPS

    Some of those new lights from Mars Hydro are killing it, check out cocoforcannabis reviews on youtube and his grow light calculator
  12. Arkos

    Bud Candy overpriced garbage?

    Exclusive footage from AN research, what an insight :grin:
  13. Arkos

    Bud Candy overpriced garbage?

    Lol just what I was thinking, what about larger scales ? Good luck buying Advanced Bullshit for a decent size grow, probably run you millions :mrgreen:
  14. Arkos

    Bud Candy overpriced garbage?

    Advanced Nutrients works fine but the prices are ridiculous and many of the 20 or so bottles are very similar or even the same products... Look at their "revive" that shit is just aloe vera, epsom salt and piss for good measure...
  15. Arkos

    Bud Candy overpriced garbage?

    Aloe Vera extract.
  16. Arkos

    Spanish Govt. Shutsdown HSO Seeds

    Hahahahaha!!! :clap:
  17. Arkos

    They all about money

    They all about money
  18. Arkos

    Spanish Govt. Shutsdown HSO Seeds

    No worries sallygram, exactly that and smell is the usual way people get busted here. They all think it's still analog meters measuring their electric use and while that might be true for some parts of the grid the fact is they have installed thousands of digital meters here. Check out these...
  19. Arkos

    Spanish Govt. Shutsdown HSO Seeds

    They was all part of Lamota Seeds/Distributions, 12 people were arrested IIRC for money laundering, stealing electricity and other charges. They had a collection of 20 million seeds worth 100 million euros so I think it's safe to say they got to big for their own good...