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  1. Arkos

    Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

    Live right now, volcanic eruption. We used to get a lot more snow, it's different now then 30 years ago... Some winters no snow and others a lot of snow. We won't stay here in Spain forever, we want to move to the U.s. to a state where it's 100% legal. But it's going to take time since we...
  2. Arkos

    Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

    I'm from Iceland but I live in Spain. If you have troubles getting seeds let me know, I might be able to help.
  3. Arkos

    Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

    There's a great seedbank in the uk that carries a lot of U.s. strains. Cannarado, Archive, Gg strains, oni seedco are some good u.s. one's for example. They have a good selection of Dutch and Uk too.
  4. Arkos

    Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

    Looking great brother, healthy looking plants that are frosting up nicely. Awesome work.
  5. Arkos

    3 days on jack's 5-12-26 and the plants are loving it! Bye bye General Hydroponics forever

    You guys have restored my faith in humanity :p Thanks for taking the time to provide great info.
  6. Arkos

    3 days on jack's 5-12-26 and the plants are loving it! Bye bye General Hydroponics forever

    Heheh I hear yeah man, that would definitely raise some eyebrows here. I'm using my basement so intake and extraction is through the windows and there's more rooms to use so there are options but little money atm, damn virus restrictions. Yeah thanks man, I think I'll get 2 and it'll pay for...
  7. Arkos

    3 days on jack's 5-12-26 and the plants are loving it! Bye bye General Hydroponics forever

    Thanks for the heads up man. Question, how does that work with leaf surface temp's ? Does the cmh heat up the leafs sufficiently so you don't need to run you room hot af like with Led only? If that's the case this could possibly save me a small fortune, 2000w heater is killing my light bill :lol:
  8. Arkos

    3 days on jack's 5-12-26 and the plants are loving it! Bye bye General Hydroponics forever

    Please guys this thread is providing great info for people new to Jack's and even mega crop for that matter, let's keep the info coming instead of having this thread locked. :peace: :eyesmoke:
  9. Arkos


    World peace :peace: :eyesmoke:
  10. Arkos


    I was getting shredded wasn't I ? Way to baked to even realize :peace: Thanks man good looking out. I'm all for people correcting me though if I'm wrong I'm wrong. I just don't get what they are saying, it's not 100% clear to me atm. So I get defensive cause, I'm confused.
  11. Arkos


    No bro we here to mingle and discuss shit, right ? I feel like as long as it's civilized it's cool but what do I know I'm just some lurker who got lonely :mrgreen: :blsmoke: Looking great bud ;) gj.
  12. Arkos


    Yes, just food for thought something to maybe experiment with, I realize you need some serious equipment and knowledge to keep a system like that running. Sorry for hijacking the thread op, just look up Harley Smith on youtube he mentions citric acid as an excellent flushing agent in his...
  13. Arkos


    Holy smokes dude and I thought I'd been having nightmares with feeding :shock: So it basically took 3 hours to water in the end ? o_O
  14. Arkos


    Like fucking 5 mins to see run off lol, we was using a water lance with a pump so good for extra aeration. I realize coco is hydro is just want to get away from wasting all this water, since we've moved here we've used s swimming pool worths :? Jokes on me for not having bought a pump for my...
  15. Arkos


    236g in 6l is amazing, blow's my mind.
  16. Arkos


    Yes that's what I know, would love to try hydro and reuse the water, feel bad wasting all this water with dtw.
  17. Arkos


    Hey man it's been 7 years man but yes I seem to remember plants with circular roots when removing the root mass, why on earth would I make that up ? I'm just not following but have also had a very long long day.... P.s. they were 5.2g circular plastic pots with only holes in the bottom.
  18. Arkos


    I just snapped that picture, 6th day of flower... First crop in 6 years, changed everything, nightmares after nightmares lol, fucking textile pots just dry out faster than you realize...
  19. Arkos


    No house to grow for a year and and half, six before that :cry: We grow trees to my friend.
  20. Arkos


    Kudos to you buddy, I was always taught bigger pots bigger buds.