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  1. deadbeet

    Buying/ordering seeds online in MN?

    Hi, folks. Please forgive me if I shouldn't be posting this sort of question on this forum but does anyone know anything about buying/ordering seeds online in the state of Minnesota (not legal recreationally). Medically, it is legal in MN but I don't have a medical card. I've found info...
  2. deadbeet

    FROST: general rules from experience....

    Uncovered plants about 9 AM this morning.. still frosty n semi-frozen from overnite. Anyway, they seem fully recovered! Phew!! My thermometer says we maxed out at about 28 degrees last nite (in terms of the low in my neck of the woods). Hoping for a warm up here too!
  3. deadbeet

    FROST: general rules from experience....

    Hmmm.. sounds like you're a Northern MN grower. I [ahem] sorta know a person in a similar zone who is also presently seeing temps in the 29-30 degree range. We covered our outdoor, in-ground plants the last couple nites.. tonite especially! Didn't get out there until just now, in fact.. 10:30...
  4. deadbeet

    Northern climate outdoor grow question(s)

    Ahh! Groovy.. thanks again! I'll start 12/12 in the next couple days.. will need a few supplies first. Thanks a bunch!
  5. deadbeet

    Northern climate outdoor grow question(s)

    And so it's probably a little late to even bother starting 12/12 now then? If I had started that at the beginning of August, is it a cycle I would need to carry thru 'til the natural light cycle is at or around 12/12 (Sept 25th or thereabouts)? Thanks for your input! And that's helpful info...
  6. deadbeet

    Northern climate outdoor grow question(s)

    Hi, folks. I'm new to these forums. Thanks for taking the time to read my post! I have a small outdoor grow in a very Northern climate (Zone 3a). Plants look healthy. Two varieties. One is presumably an auto-flower although this can't be confirmed. I grew auto-flower from seed last year...