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  1. C

    Need some powdery mildew advice

    Ive been told that 2% milk watered down, give it a nice foliage spray on the affected leaves/area itself in a fine mist spray bottle(with no sun/heat lamps to avoid any possible magnification burns,) let sit like 15 mins and carefully wipe away the milk/mold, use gloves and different towels/rags...
  2. C

    New Grower

    Depending how far along they are and the setup, you may just need to water/feed them at this point. Definately need pics to know for sure
  3. C

    Whats the best way to cut and dry?

    As with everything to do with "Queen MJ," I've heard a few methods to this and I'd just like some of your feedback on methods you've all used successfully. whether it's paper bagging, to hanging whole plants or even just rack drying buds only. Can I get a few stories here so i can compare notes...
  4. C

    Harvest time?

    Out if curiosity, and I know its a stupid question. But what did you use to take those close ups of the heads with? Is that a loup and where can I find it whatever it is. Those are much better quality then my phone could ever hope to achieve so I just wing it based on the white or red tints I...
  5. C


    1st 2pics are my indica, the my sativa... both look to be coming along nicely, great trichome production and decently dense buds for a first true attempt.
  6. C

    Can I trim off lower buds during flowering without stunting my plant?

    I finished one last year, but I didn't try to grow it. Just sprouted in my yard one day... so I just watered it and took in what I could see happening lol. I don't count that, it was babysitting, not parenting. I currently have and indica and a saliva (both unknown typed late in flower now...
  7. C

    Phosphorus or Potassium during flower???

    Check it out
  8. C

    Phosphorus or Potassium during flower???

    Im a new grower myself and I've gone pretty much all natural so far... using things I've learned throughout the web and combining them based on My own knowledge... I started with a good NPK based mix with premixed perlite, then added to the top of it some used coffee grounds for more nitrogen...
  9. C

    Can I trim off lower buds during flowering without stunting my plant?

    I was just curious if it would make a difference. This is technicalally my first true grow. Trying to pick up as many ideas or tips that I can to use for future references yanno? Trying to swing that learning curve in my favor anyway possible lol
  10. C

    Harvest time?

    I'd let it go. Already waited this long whats another week or 2. Still alot of clear heads, barely any amber yet...but i like a strong indica, at least 50%+ amber.
  11. C

    Can I trim off lower buds during flowering without stunting my plant?

    So if I cut them off, it won't slow anything down? I can do them in pairs if it's less stress or should I just rip the band aid off and do it all at once
  12. C

    Can I trim off lower buds during flowering without stunting my plant?

    I have roughly a month or so to go max, but there's a few smaller buds near the bottom of my plant that I dont think will fill in by the time the rest are done. If I take these smaller buds off now, ( like 4 small buds sites maybe in total) will it hurt my plant, or will it just start fattening...
  13. C

    Can’t figure these out. They are almost turning white. Wilted and sad.

    Also, I do know that frost or severe cold could turn a plant white and kill it overnight if your lamps failed by chance at some point or it became too cold outside. Just another possibility to look into my dude. Hope you figure it out in time bud!
  14. C

    Can’t figure these out. They are almost turning white. Wilted and sad.

    I don't know if this is your issue or not as I'm still relatively new to growing, but I noticed early on that my plants did almost that same thing (minus the purple tint). I thought it was a nute burn/lockout or a deficiency, turned out that it was just too humid, super high or low humidity...
  15. C

    First time grower, looking for a few tips

    They're outside also if that matters?
  16. C

    First time grower, looking for a few tips

    My original thought was end of October, but based on the flowering/preflowering suggestions, they should be in at least week 5 or 6 now. I already started flushing and was prepping for 2 weeks? Should I add a little more food then for the next week or two then if theres still a month left?
  17. C

    First time grower, looking for a few tips

    My babies are a few weeks from being done I think, I'm just not sure what that prime time is yet! Can anyone help me out here? I was thinking another week or 2 at least.. judging by the pics can anyone give me a better estimate?