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  1. Afghan_Landrace

    seeds won't pop

    how long after your taproots appear and you plant them in your medium does the seed pop out of the soil?
  2. Afghan_Landrace

    seeds won't pop

    I went through this same issue last week with a batch of seeds I bought online. I tried all methods (water soak, paper towel, H2O2 and straight up planting them in to soil) none worked with this batch. Both paper towel and water soak would give me a cracked seed with bit of white tap root just...
  3. Afghan_Landrace

    Over Watered?

    Awesome, we are entering the dry winter months. although our winters (Pakistan) are very mild compared to US or Europe. Day time temps are between 50f to 70F
  4. Afghan_Landrace

    Over Watered?

    I'll do that tomorrow morning. By the way what should be the frequency of watering at this stage?
  5. Afghan_Landrace

    Over Watered?

    Thank you, wish I had posted here before seeking advices elsewhere. Would have saved myself from the mosquito bites in my garden . lol
  6. Afghan_Landrace

    Over Watered?

    Someone else suggested I change the soil since I was panicking anyways (newbie stuff) so I just did that. Didn't add any water this time around. Earlier my pot was not dripping a lot of water maybe few drops here and there.
  7. Afghan_Landrace

    Planting sprouted seedlings in dirt, how wet should the soil be?

    changed the soil. Didn't add any water this time. The soil was moist enough anyways.
  8. Afghan_Landrace

    Planting sprouted seedlings in dirt, how wet should the soil be?

    Thank you for the response. will do so now. Hope I don't kill the very first two seeds I was able to successfully germinate.
  9. Afghan_Landrace

    Over Watered?

    Posting again in the correct forum (Newbie) I'm a first time grower. I managed to germinate two Afghan Landrace Seeds. They had healthy taproot. I transplanted both in organic soil, added some perlite. I watered the pot before planting the seeds (not sure if I should have done that, since the...
  10. Afghan_Landrace

    Planting sprouted seedlings in dirt, how wet should the soil be?

    I'm a first time grower. I managed to germinate two Afghan Landrace Seeds. They had healthy taproot. I transplanted both in organic soil, added some perlite. I watered the pot before planting the seeds (not sure if I should have done that, since the soil was already moist). Later I checked with...