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  1. T

    Aerogarden Grow Struggles

    Sorry I am confused. I want to use the correct product... do you have a recommendation?
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    Aerogarden Grow Struggles

    Non organics? I am using and "Foxfarm- For Organic Gardening" Is this wrong? I used it on my last grow and things went pretty well....
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    Aerogarden Grow Struggles

    I currently have duct tape over the holes, figured that was good enough. I also have black duct tape, no golf balls.... not a golfer :P I am going try again with some nutrients at the beginning. Maybe a 1/4 of the recommended Fox Farm nutes. I know most people say don't use the aerogarden nutes...
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    Aerogarden Grow Struggles

    When you say EC is that like PPM?
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    Aerogarden Grow Struggles

    1) So I just checked and my PH is at 7, which I know is too high, but these problems started a week ago when my PH never got out of the 5.5-6.5 range. It was normally right around 6 2) As I mentioned before I was checking twice a day before things started to go down hill. I got a little...
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    Aerogarden Grow Struggles

    Just reposted the photos, apologies for them not working the first time. Yes I was always told to not add anything for the first two weeks. This seedling started showing decline within the first 7 days. I am just confused because this is basically the exact same setup I used earlier this year...
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    Aerogarden Grow Struggles

    Hi everyone, I have been having some trouble with my current aerogarden grow and I wanted to get all of your opinions. PH around 5.8-6.0 No Nutes 20/4 light schedule Pump settings have been all over the place as I have tried to monitor how wet the aerogarden sponge medium has been. Any ideas...
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    Drooping Autoflower Seedlings

    Update on this one, my problem was not running my pump enough. I was worried that the areogarden plugs would be getting too wet if I ran the pump too much but what that ended up doing was not getting the babies enough oxygen through water. I changed the pump settings to running 24/7 and that...
  9. T

    2nd Aerogarden Grow

    Hi everyone, Just wanted to post my current grow and see what you all think. I have both these plants in a aerogarden farm XL. Week 6 PH: 5.5-6.0 Fox Farm Nutrients 1/2 of recommended feeding schedule Cal Mag 24 hour light schedule 3 additional 150W LED bulbs One plant has what I believe to...
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    Any ideas whats wrong?

    I was told if using distilled water in hydro you need to add Cal-Mag. I am thinking the higher PH, as well as PH fluctuations Budzbuddha mentioned are my issues. We will see what happens with the flushed system.
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    Any ideas whats wrong?

    I have this autoflowering girl in an Aerogarden Farm XL, week 4 at the moment: Just flushed the tank and refilled with: 6-6.5 PH 2ml Cal-Mag Fox Farm nutrients, about 1/3 of the recommended dosage. Temp is 70-75 degrees I started two seeds in one tank of the aerogarden, the other plant only...
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    Drooping Autoflower Seedlings

    Interesting, whenever I have tried to germinate directly in the aerogarden the pump seems to over-saturate the AG grow sponges, ends up drowning the seed.
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    Drooping Autoflower Seedlings

    You have your aerogarden pump running 24/7? Is that right from the moment you plant the germinated seed?
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    Drooping Autoflower Seedlings

    So i had an idea. As was unable to find someone using an aerogarden who had the same issues. However whenever someone had this issue in soil it normally seemed to be due to over watering. Now I understand it is very hard to over water using a drip system like an aerogarden has, however I still...
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    Drooping Autoflower Seedlings

    No this is just a Farm XL aergarden, I am a little new to this but I believe that means it is not DWC. I thought everyone recommends not feeding until at least two weeks in?
  16. T

    Drooping Autoflower Seedlings

    Hello, I germinated and planted these seeds a little over a week ago. Seedlings leaves are droopy but otherwise seems healthy and green. Is the droopiness something i should worry about? PH:5.5-6.5 No nutes 24hour light cycle (i know this is controversial but i am giving it a try)
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    Starting from seed

    Seedling Update: Leaves are green but appear a little droopy, is this a problem?
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    Starting from seed

    Yes sir
  19. T

    Starting from seed

    FYI I no longer need answers to my question, I figured it all out. But the aerogarden medium I am referring to is the sponges that come with the aerogarden in which you are supposed the place your seeds.