Search results

  1. Swamp Thing

    The Kalo Patch - Bodhi's Lotus Larry, Greedo's Stash, Cherry Puff, and Grape Puff

    Looking great dude. Glad to hear what you said about GSC from cali connection.. would've figured that. GSC is a great strain... but i figure it'll take a while to get right in a cross, bc it's already a multi-hybrid that tastes good itself. I made an F1 with an s1 from the clone only... looking...
  2. Swamp Thing

    WhoDat Sticky Trap

    Captain... I'm ready for blast off!
  3. Swamp Thing

    WhoDat Sticky Trap

    Really glad Your Old Momma & Haterade are ripening well! Can't wait to hear the smoke report from the Jack's Dream! So exciting watching beans from my collection ripening up some killer buds. Makes me that much more happy that the gift has been shared and I have that much more to look forward to...
  4. Swamp Thing

    WhoDat Sticky Trap

    ps,, cant wait to hear about the tasty harvests!
  5. Swamp Thing

    WhoDat Sticky Trap

    I've used mitey wash, neem (though it's mainly a preventative than a killer), acids/chems, predators... just the thing... i've never been able to get every last one.. even when i just about killed them all and things start to get back to normal... next thing i know 2-4 weeks down the line the...
  6. Swamp Thing

    What breeder has the best sweet tooth?

    agree that Spice of Life (Breeder Steve) created it, but there are many great crosses that are strikingly similar. I, for one, am a huge fan of Sweet Skunk (the pink pistil one, not the Grapefruit cross that it's often confused with called Island Sweet Skunk...which is pretty tasty and good as...
  7. Swamp Thing

    WhoDat Sticky Trap

    Dude... I'm sorry to hear about the mites. In my experience the only way to rid them was to shut down and move bc they're like cancer. One tiny cell will reproduce and it's extremely tough to get them all... What kinda predators you getting? The only kind I have experience with are lady bugs and...
  8. Swamp Thing

    WhoDat Sticky Trap

    btw, you gonna run my the Uptown Heights any time soon (Northern Lights x Clusterfunk)
  9. Swamp Thing

    WhoDat Sticky Trap

    sweet! cant wait to hear how she turned out.
  10. Swamp Thing

    WhoDat Sticky Trap

    Love the new set-up! Talk about high efficientcy, eh? Great work dude. btw dig the nickname "Niburu". just read about the meaning of the word and it's origin and think it's super fitting. not to mention a really cool strain name as well cheers swampy
  11. Swamp Thing

    The Flying Circus

    The Jack Herer x Blue Dream was project done with a friend of mine while the Haterade is a strain that I've been working on and have tons of beans available for trade and auction as well. Looks like the JHxBD finished first. Great work. Glad to see em so happy.
  12. Swamp Thing

    The Flying Circus

    any of these my crosses?
  13. Swamp Thing

    Dankest bud ever

    wait til you find the pink lemonade pheno of chernobyl
  14. Swamp Thing

    Emerald Triangle Seeds Royal Purple Kush. -ttg89

    btw, what do you think about Emerald Triangle Seeds? Good shit?
  15. Swamp Thing

    Emerald Triangle Seeds Royal Purple Kush. -ttg89

    There's a lot of mystery surrounding the real pre-98 cut (or even post-98) Bubba Kush... But if you've had it you would know it's nothing like Bubblegum. Very dense, short and squat with a deep coffee, chocolate, kushy smell.. not sweet at all. But it is a favorite of mine!
  16. Swamp Thing

    Best strain for insomnia

    Seen some decent suggestions... Mk Ultra, Black Domina... But IMO the best strain for sleepy time would be Nor Cal Purple Kush (not LVPK - Las Vegas cut). Bodhi has been putting out some great new indicas. I highly HIGHLY recommend finding his Uzbeki cross. It's just a phenominal indica in all...
  17. Swamp Thing

    The Best Afghani strain?

    Bodhi Seeds Pure Kush x Uzbeki killer pure indica... super dank
  18. Swamp Thing

    The Flying Circus

    Saw the Boogie Brew post... I actually know that guy. I think it's great stuff and has worked well for me. That being said... who_dat's mix was the devil's tit as well and gave me syrupy thick chunky buds :)
  19. Swamp Thing

    The Flying Circus

    curious... any smells on the Haterade or the Old Time Moonshine x Yo Mama Yo Mama is (Afgooey x GreenCrack/TresDawg) Haterade is (Afwreck x Afgooey/SourDiesel) F2 Diggin the pink hairs on em. Very interesting. Bet both of those would've kicked ass inside. Oh well. Maybe next time! BTW been...
  20. Swamp Thing

    The Flying Circus

    Lookin killa dude! I'm itching to get some good farmland and start a great farm with you dude... One day, I promise, in the near future... just you watch brohan! We're gonna have a circus as dank as the ringling bro's! Greater than their greatest show on earth! How are the crosses i gave you...