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  1. J

    Best early sativa (~8-10 weeks)

    did you plant your JP?
  2. J

    Anyone else growing jamaican pearl from sensei seeds?

    Grew indoors planted may 11, moved outdoor july 11. Had one male, pulled it. About 4 feet tall, wondering if anyone notes a short flowering period?
  3. J

    Harvest white widow at 60 days? plus 60 day veg from seed indoor HPS Soil Compost Tea

    top is about 30%, a loupe would be nice anyone in orange county, ca?
  4. J

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    white widow at 8 weeks flower.
  5. J

    Harvest white widow at 60 days? plus 60 day veg from seed indoor HPS Soil Compost Tea

    So I planted some WW on May 11, flower 12/12 on July 11. Indoor under 250HPS, vegged uder 90 watt ufo triband. All compost tea with some big bloom kicked in in the last 4 weeks. Most lower buds have 70% brown clayx, upper cola almost 12 inches about 1/3 brown. Don't have a loupe to check trichs...
  6. J

    jamaican pearl male or female 2 weeks into 12/12

    it was a male no white hairs and calyx not right. cut it up and tossed it thanks
  7. J

    jamaican pearl male or female 2 weeks into 12/12

    never grown this strain. My others get the white hairs before bud, these look different.
  8. J

    First DWC Grow!!! (DinaFem Fruit Auto)

    I was looking at doing that same 5 gallon setup with dwc and airstones. what temp is your water? What nutes ppm? Whya re you transplanting from 4 to 6" I thought you just start in 6" and let it go? I also doubted that you could start from seed but you made a fool out of me.
  9. J

    Need advice on heating my room

    I got a cheap $40 ceramic heater with built in temp sensor, plugged it on it's own circuit and left it alone. However you can't point the heat flow to a plant directly, you have to point it away and then have a small fan on the floor blowing up and one blowing down. growing in winter sucks.
  10. J

    HPS vs. Fluorescent advice needed.

    By the book I just finished my first grow. I had a 150watt hps, a 6 bulb 4foot t5 and a 90 watt ufo. The plant under the 250 had big buds like the UFO. The plants under the T5 were smaller. The T5 can be closer to the plants as well as the UFO. the HPS needs more space unless you cool tube it.
  11. J

    sealed room w/co2 - AC questions

    You have to vent air somewhere. how big is your grow area?
  12. J

    reading hygro farm thermometer

    Ok. Your thermometer has two readings. One is built inside the lcd unit, that is your Indoor temp. The probe that you put inside your box is the outdoor temp. If your outdoor temp is 103 your plants are dying, quickly. Your option is to get a 4 or 6" fan with temp sensor and set it around 76...
  13. J

    Electrical Help

    First, try isolating your circuit to your grow area. Sometimes in a house 1 circuit might run to different rooms, running a small cord to a different wall can eliminate the need to rewire. Otherwise you have to break down your walls and pull say 10 or 12 gauge for a 20 amp, depends on distance...
  14. J

    Looking for knowledge on 2 new HID light systems

    how big is your grow area?
  15. J

    First time hydro, looking for some friendly adivce

    Oh yeah, see if you can tie in your exhaust fan into a vent that goes out to the roof, like a stove hood, hot water heater or furnace pipe, etc.
  16. J

    First time hydro, looking for some friendly adivce

    I am doing a DWC setup next grow similar to yours. However I feel that a 600w hps (are you using a MH bulb for veg?) is strong. I figured two plants could run under a 250MH through bloom. Although your lights is 4 feet from your plants you are losing 80% of your lumens. A 600watt HPS puts out...
  17. J

    Ph Lockout? No Nutes Yet! Spots!

    From what I know when you get lower leaves yellowing it means the top is sucking the nitrogen out of the lower leaves because there isn't any nitrogen in the soil. Now the problem is the lower leaves feed the roots so your roots are stressing. I would do a reg grow big feeding, then one more...
  18. J

    Ph Lockout? No Nutes Yet! Spots!

    Get a soil ph meter. If under 6.0 use 1 tablespoon garden lime. top dress then pour your water through with regular strength nutes on fox farm grow big read the label. next week no nutes check PH should be rising, next week check ph if still below 6 add 1 more tablespoon, if in the 6.2 -6.4...
  19. J

    light turned on in middle of dark period! =[

    turn the light off, go back on your schedule, thats all there is too it.
  20. J

    first time grow. please help!

    I would check the following and report back. 1. Soil PH. 2. Room temps day and night. 3. Humidity. 4. Co2 if using. 5. Nute schedule. 6. Frequency of watering and how much, soil moisture check. 7. Did you add calcium or magnesium? When how much. 8. Lights and type, distance from plant.