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    Power Consumption / Light Cost

    I'm pretty sure the distance from the electrical source provides negligible loss so you shouldn't count that in your cost estimate. Just use the chart above or find your kilowatt usage then multiply by the number of hours per month you plan on having it on then multiply again by the cost of a...
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    Lumens, Lux, and Adding It all Up

    Why would you copypaste such nonsensical bullshit? There is just so much wrong up there I don't know where to begin.... About a hundred years ago scientists had less sophisticated equipment and therefore could not measure in nanometers. It was at that time that they used millimicrons. Later...
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    Lumens, Lux, and Adding It all Up

    Were you hi when you wrote this?
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    What sort of light is good for plants. (LED users come hither)

    Sources General Photosynthesis:
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    What sort of light is good for plants. (LED users come hither)

    How much light do plants need? According to PAR, a daily average irradiance of 26 moles/m2/day (which equates to about 600 micromoles/m2/s for 12 hours) will effectively grow most species of higher plants. For comparison, the average annual irradiance is about 26 moles/m2/day in Washington...
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    What sort of light is good for plants. (LED users come hither)

    What wavelengths do those pigments use? So, the first pigments we need to stimulate are chlorophyll a followed closely by chlorophyll b. For these we use red light because it is most effective despite most graphs wrongly showing the blue peak taller. Second is a general “blue&#8221...
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    What sort of light is good for plants. (LED users come hither)

    What pigments to plants need stimulated? Chlorophyll a is the basic building block of all chlorophyll. Chlorophyll a’ (the P700 dimer) and chlorophyll b are both made from it. Similarly, chlorophyll b can be reduced back to chlorophyll a. As a whole, PSI responds to a longer wavelength...
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    What sort of light is good for plants. (LED users come hither)

    Phytochrome Response In addition to time, the color of light also matters. An interrupted night period by red light (660nm) can be undone by subsequent far red light (730nm). Thus, we can deduce that this is due to yet another set of photoreceptors called phytochromes. Phytochromes are a...
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    What sort of light is good for plants. (LED users come hither)

    Circadian Clock Circadian clocks are universal mechanisms for sensing and responding to the environment. In addition to regulating daily activities, photoreceptors linked with circadian clocks are also involved in the seasonal regulation of processes such as flowering. Hence, many plants...
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    What sort of light is good for plants. (LED users come hither)

    Blue-Light Responses Plants have two major groups of pigments; chlorophylls and carotenoids. Carotenoids function as both antenna pigments and repair mechanisms. The primary pigments are chlorophylls which come in two types: a and b. Chlorophyll a is the most common pigment and chlorophyll b...
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    What sort of light is good for plants. (LED users come hither)

    Photodamage PSII Photoinhibition: The exact circumstances which cause photodamage are not known but as long as plants are exposed to it, there is a chance for light to damage the photoreceptors. In addition, there is a threshold of intensity for photodamage. This damage nearly always occurs...
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    What sort of light is good for plants. (LED users come hither)

    Electron Transport Chain: The electron transport chain describes a series of redox (reduction and oxidation) events. Some portion of the chain becomes excited and oxidized then subsequently reduced. It begins in PSII. When P680 is excited, either directly by light or indirectly by a nearby...
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    What sort of light is good for plants. (LED users come hither)

    Photosystem I: The PSI protein-pigment complex has fewer subunits than PSII. The core complex is similar to PSII in that its major components are the reaction center and two proteins, though they have different names; P700 and PSI-A and PSI-B, respectively. Like P680 of PSII, P700 consists of...
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    What sort of light is good for plants. (LED users come hither)

    Photosystem II: LHCII Near the PSII core complex are two LHCII antenna complexes, each of which is a specially bonded triplet (trimer). Under normal conditions, each LHCII subunit contains seven chlorophyll a and five chlorophyll b. Plants can adapt the number of LHCII to the light available...
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    What sort of light is good for plants. (LED users come hither)

    Photosystem II: The PSII protein-pigment complex has a large number of subunits. The core complex consists of the reaction center, called P680, and two proteins called D1 and D2. P680 consists of a specially bonded pair (dimer) of chlorophyll a with maximum absorption at 680nm. The rest of the...
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    What sort of light is good for plants. (LED users come hither)

    Plant Structure (continued) On the surface of negatively stained chloroplast thylakoid membranes, a repeating motif can be seen. Below is an electron micrograph - with layouts superimposed - showing the positions on such membranes of the PSII core complex, the LHCII trimers, CP24, CP26, and...
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    What sort of light is good for plants. (LED users come hither)

    What wavelengths of light do plants need? First, we must understand how photosynthesis works. Plant Structure Inside of plants there are mesophyll cells which contain chloroplasts. Inside each chloroplast there are thylakoids. On the thylakoids (stacked groups called grana) solar energy is...
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    What sort of light is good for plants. (LED users come hither)

    How do we measure light output? There are many measurements for light. I will try to cover the ones you will see most often. Black-body radiator A black body is a conceptual object that absorbs all electromagnetic radiation that falls on it. Because no light is reflected or transmitted, the...
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    What sort of light is good for plants. (LED users come hither)

    How do we perceive light? Humans have two kinds of light receptors in the eye: rods and cones. Cones are less sensitive to light and thus require more light to be activated. Cones allow us to see in color because there are actually three types of cones designated S(hort) M(edium) and L(ong)...