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  1. billdo29

    Question regarding curing

    What about big rubber maid containers? Would this give the bud a strange taste? I have a few of them around and would be convienient, but don't want to mess this up, being I have already gome this far.
  2. billdo29

    Question regarding curing

    Hello everyone, I am a new grower and am running into a problem. My plats are being harvested in two weeks. I am going to be having around four pounds. I understand about hanging the plants to dry them but after that everyone says to put them in mason jars to cure. This is a lot of bud and I...
  3. billdo29

    Illinois Outdoor Pics

    My plants are tall but not too many branches. Do you think they will fill out being that it is almost 12 and 12 outside.
  4. billdo29

    Illinois Outdoor Pics

    We have had a lot of rain already. This is my first grow by myself. I have 12 females. I had to stake some of them up. I don't know why the stems couldn't hold them up.
  5. billdo29

    Illinois Outdoor Pics

    My plants look very similar about 6ft indicas. What type of yield are you thinking you will get from yours?
  6. billdo29

    Illinois Outdoor Pics

    Looking for some pictures of some good outdoor from fellow Illinois growers.
  7. billdo29

    Outdoor monsters

  8. billdo29

    Outdoor monsters

    I have heard people using mollasses during early flowering. Anyone have any suggestions
  9. billdo29

    10 Females Flowering???

    Give it a guess
  10. billdo29

    10 Females Flowering???

    I live in Illinois too. About an hour south of the Wisconsin boarder. My plants just started to show as well.
  11. billdo29

    Outdoor monsters

    Being that this is my first grow I am still a beginer. Will the plants fill out more cause they are all ready very tall. And they have already shown their sex.
  12. billdo29

    Outdoor monsters

    I have been hiting them with a 20-20-20 Micacle Grow fertilizer and am about to switch to a high phosphorus because they are starting to go into their budding cycle
  13. billdo29

    Outdoor monsters

  14. billdo29

    Outdoor monsters

    I will post more pics later this week. They are growing in a cornfield, and not somewhere I like to visit to often due to security reasons.
  15. billdo29

    Outdoor monsters

    6ft indica females. Does anyone have any idea of the yield I should expect. I have 12 of them and they are all very healthy. Central US