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  1. R

    how do you know when????

    Hi, I was wondering how you guys know when to start the flush before harvest to wash out the nutes. I want to flush for about 1-2 weeks but how do i know when im 1-2 weeks from being done? Should i Flush when i see some orange hairs? Or...? Thanks
  2. R

    Master kush!

    thanks anybody else grew masterkush?
  3. R

    Master kush!

    nobody grew the great MK?
  4. R

    Master kush!

    Anybody ever grown master kush? How long does before you guys harvested? Im on about day 40 of flower and they look like there in day 21. Is master kush just a slow flowering strain? Anybody have any experince with it?
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    Al B. FAQt

    Hey al i was wondering if i suck in air directly from outside into my growroom would this be better? But temps outside get to about 95deg so thats way to high, but how to do outdoor plants live?
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    Al B. FAQt

    this one thread is more helpful then all the other threads put together. Im doing sog and have tempetures from 80-90, i know its too hot but there not much i can do besides add a airconditioner which i cannot afford. I was just wondering if this will affect my yield GREATLY or slightly...
  7. R

    Cant hang lights on the ceiling

    Got a problem, I cant hang my 8bulb t5 lights from the ceiling because i live in a apartment and its not strong enough. Im looking for some kind of pole setup so i can hang lights like Discount Hydroponics - DH Light Stand But most iv seen only go up to 4-5ft, and my plants get to about 4 feet...
  8. R

    herb dryer

    Would hang drying them be better, or would it be the same as using one of these LARGE FLOWER & HERB DRYER CARBON FILTER & 130 CFM FAN - eBay (item 170198287529 end time Jul-29-08 08:00:08 PDT) Then curing them.
  9. R

    Air stones

    If I you a EBB and FLOW system with a 20gallon res, Would a airstone or a airpump be good for my plants? I know that a air stone is good for roots that go into the water but i just use a ebb n flow, Does the airstone still help?
  10. R

    growing as a living

    just wondering if anyone just grows for a living. that would be the best job ever!
  11. R

    Sog growers!

    anyone with any sog experince?
  12. R

    Sog growers!

    Hey all Sog Growers, I was wondering how much you all are yielding per plant??
  13. R

    Clones from clones or mother plants

    thanks so much, you guys just made me day =)
  14. R

    Clones from clones or mother plants

    I read where that if you take clones from clones itll slowly lose its genetics. Like if you take a page from a book and copy that page, then you copy the copy, then copy that copy, etc.... It wont be as clear and good as the orginal copy. Im just trying to clear things up because if its...
  15. R

    Clones from clones or mother plants

    So it makes no difference if i just keep cloning clones instead of keeping mother plants? it wont lose any genetics?
  16. R

    Clones from clones or mother plants

    Instead of keeping mother plants, can I just have clones then veg them and right before i put them into flower i take more clones. Then once those clones are ready to go into flower i take more clones from those? Is there a difference from that and keeping mother plants?
  17. R

    the longer the stronger???

    I was reading other threads and saw that people say the longer you wait to harvest the stronger the weed? I want to have the strongest weed i can have lol so when would i know when to harvest?
  18. R

    whats your average yield??

    Hey guys, I was just wondering what everyones average yeild per plant is. How big was the plant What strain and how much weight dried
  19. R

    how dark is dark??

    Thanks anybody else? Does it have to be COMPLETE darkness? or a littttle bit of light is ok
  20. R

    how dark is dark??

    Im just wondering how dark does it have to be during flowering dark period? Its pretty dark in my room except a little bit of light from my fan sucking in air from outside. I can kind of see my way around but i cant see the pllants, is that dark enough?